6 new open-source Redmine themes available!
Added by Rajesh Krishnan over 15 years ago
Hello Everyone,
Over the past several days, I created about half a dozen new themes for Redmine. The source code is available on Github to be used for free, under the following project names:
libernix-redmine-ecoyellow - http://github.com/rajkrish/libernix-redmine-ecoyellow
libernix-redmine-ecoorange - http://github.com/rajkrish/libernix-redmine-ecoorange
libernix-redmine-ecored - http://github.com/rajkrish/libernix-redmine-ecored
libernix-redmine-ecogreen - http://github.com/rajkrish/libernix-redmine-ecogreen
libernix-redmine-ecopurple - http://github.com/rajkrish/libernix-redmine-ecopurple
libernix-redmine-ecoblue - http://github.com/rajkrish/libernix-redmine-ecoblue
If you apply any of the above styles (installation instructions on Github links mentioned above) it should look like in the following screenshots:
A lot of other screenshots are available at:
Also, further details of the implementation are mentioned on the Github project sites (URLs above).
This is my first post here, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Redmine developers and contributors for such an amazing product! It was my joy to come up with the themes and I must admit I myself was amazed how flexible Redmine is, as it fits into my themes so nicely.
Thanks again,
-Rajesh Krishnan
Replies (9)
RE: 6 new open-source Redmine themes available!
Added by Eric Davis about 15 years ago
Rajesh Krishnan
That's great, thank you. Have you had a chance to list these on the Theme List yet?
Eric Davis
RE: 6 new open-source Redmine themes available!
Added by Rajesh Krishnan about 15 years ago
Sure. I will add it tomorrow. I hope my current login on this site has the permissions to do that.
RE: 6 new open-source Redmine themes available!
Added by Sak Tuy about 15 years ago
Hi Rajesh,
I tried out your libernix-redmine-ecoblue theme on my redmine 0.9 installation. I like the way it lists the members line by line, but this seems to have also have an effect on the Latest News box in the project overview tab, causing some of the text to overlap. Is there some way to fix this?
RE: 6 new open-source Redmine themes available!
Added by Alex Bevilacqua about 15 years ago
These look great. I installed the ecoblue theme, but for some reason, it doesn't seem to apply when you go to a project's activity page. Has anyone else seen this happen?
RE: 6 new open-source Redmine themes available!
Added by Alex Bevilacqua about 15 years ago
Alex Bevilacqua wrote:
These look great. I installed the ecoblue theme, but for some reason, it doesn't seem to apply when you go to a project's activity page. Has anyone else seen this happen?
Ignore this ... it was a caching issue :P
RE: 6 new open-source Redmine themes available!
Added by Rajesh Krishnan almost 15 years ago
Sak Tuy wrote:
I tried out your libernix-redmine-ecoblue theme on my redmine 0.9 installation. I like the way it lists the members line by line, but this seems to have also have an effect on the Latest News box in the project overview tab, causing some of the text to overlap. Is there some way to fix this?
Sak Tuy:
Could you please report the issue on the GitHub issue tracker? The URL is:
I would appreciate if you could also post a couple of screenshots that describe the problem. Let me know if you have found a workaround, and also any patches if you have any.
Thank you,
-Rajesh Krishnan
RE: 6 new open-source Redmine themes available!
Added by Florian Kaiser over 10 years ago
Screenshots are down.