Patch #10767
openAdding completed ratio support to log messages
This patch enables adding completed ratio to issues via commit messages, the syntax is like
ref #12345 @1h20m 50%
Patch modifies only app/models/changeset.rb
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 12 years ago
This was once part of the patches provided for issue #1518, but it didn't got implemented through issue #4155. See #4155#note-20.
Updated by Angelo Compagnucci over 12 years ago
Why it was not included? Note 20 (#4155#note-20) of issue #4155 really doesn't explain why it was rejected.
I've not read all the patches for bug #1518 nor #4155, but trunk lacks this feature, extremely usefull imho.
This patch maintains original syntax, add solely the optinale notation d{1,2}% to set ratio via commit message.
I really hope this could be included, otherwise I shall have to maintain my personal redmine fork!
Thank you!
Updated by Angelo Compagnucci over 12 years ago
Hi guys, any update on patch integration? Have I any hope?
Updated by Bruno Medeiros over 12 years ago
I believe that you need to provide a SVN patch if you really want to see it integrated.