



Feature #11357


OpenId provider selection

Added by Michael So over 12 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Target version:
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Estimated time:
Wont fix


there is an existing plugin for redmine 1.X

i tried it with redmine 2 and it didn't work. error at the login page
however, its a useful feature and probably worth integrating into the new version of redmine system


redmine-openid_dropdown-DrewDahl-11357.patch (9.12 KB) redmine-openid_dropdown-DrewDahl-11357.patch Patch to add drop-down to login menu Andrew Dahl, 2012-12-16 12:51
Chrome-OpenID_Dropdown.png (13.9 KB) Chrome-OpenID_Dropdown.png Initial Dropdown Andrew Dahl, 2012-12-16 12:51
Chrome-OpenID_Dropdown-2.png (11.8 KB) Chrome-OpenID_Dropdown-2.png Showing List Andrew Dahl, 2012-12-16 12:51
Chrome-OpenID_Dropdown-3.png (7.49 KB) Chrome-OpenID_Dropdown-3.png Google Selected Andrew Dahl, 2012-12-16 12:51
redmine-openid_dropdown-DrewDahl-11357-2.patch (6.33 KB) redmine-openid_dropdown-DrewDahl-11357-2.patch Andrew Dahl, 2012-12-16 13:00
Actions #1

Updated by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago

  • Subject changed from openid url selector for redmine 2.0 to OpenId provider selection
  • Priority changed from High to Normal
Actions #2

Updated by Andrew Dahl over 12 years ago

The attached patch was created against Redmine 2.1.4.stable and tested using Chrome 23, Firefox 16, IE9, Ruby 1.9.3 (x86_64-linux), and Rails 3.2.8

The patch adds a drop down menu on the log-in page with links to 11 different OpenID providers, as well as keeping the existing functionality of writing in your own.

In addition to the patch, I've attached a few screenshots.

It creates an additional table, open_id_providers, that contains the URL/Name information for the providers. Ostensibly, this could be expanded to allow administrators to add/remove providers from the list through the Admin menu.

Unrelated: In regard to the OP and his link to openid-selector... he's right, that no longer works with redmine 2.x -- I posted some very hacky changes to it here => (For the benefit of the OP and any future viewers of this ticket)

Actions #3

Updated by Andrew Dahl over 12 years ago

I realized after I posted that patch, it was a little messy as I had a file being created and removed because I had misnamed it.

I've cleaned it up a bit (attached). -- They're identical in what they do. The second one is just easier to read. :-)

Actions #5

Updated by Evgeniy Dushistov almost 9 years ago

It would be good for example restrict to only my own openid provider,
so I can have redmine, several web apps, and use openid for single login
via my own openid provider.

Actions #6

Updated by Go MAEDA over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Wont fix

The OpenID support has been dropped by #35755 for the upcoming Redmine 5.0.0.


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