Feature #11390
openEstimated time per person/activity
For an issue there can many phases ...
- analyse
- specificate
- design
- implement
- test
- deploy
... where many people have hands on..
- product manager/leader
- analyst
- (web) designer
- software developers/engineers
- database developers/engineers
- tester
- administrators
All of them need to push their part for the milestone to get ready this issue.
So all of them need to estimate their part, which is mostly the same the activity they log time to.
At the moment there is only one estimation field for all of them, but the estimation shall be trackable on activity level or even on person level.
To make this possible adding estimations shall be kept the same way as logging time later on - in a list/or table style.
This table needs at least thre fields:
- estimated time
- estimated by person (logged in user)
- activity the time is needed for, which can be the same activity list used for logging time on later. (can be perfect comparable then)
So as result we need a 1:many realtionship for estimation like we do for time logging.
Breaking down issues to sub issues doesn't resolve the problem so far that we still don't have the possibility to track the estimation on main task level categorized by activity for all its subtask.
Also we can't analyse how many hours developer x will be blocked (bases on his estimation) for activity developing on a version in a porject
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