Feature #1216
Version deletion error translation
Added by Antti Perkiömäki over 16 years ago.
Updated about 16 years ago.
Could "Unable to delete version" error message be added to translations. This text comes when trying to delete version that contains issues.
Should be a defect, since it's not i18n.
/var/redmine/app% grep -nr 'Unable to delete version' *
controllers/.svn/text-base/versions_controller.rb.svn-base:37: flash[:error] = "Unable to delete version"
controllers/versions_controller.rb:37: flash[:error] = "Unable to delete version"
Only one occurence in the app: version_controller.rb:37.
Jean-Philippe, can I apply this patch to versions_controller.rb?
- Assignee changed from Jean-Philippe Lang to Azamat Hackimov
Yes, you can. Here is how to add the new string to every lang files: add it to en.yml after the existing notice strings (around line 80) and run rake gloc:update.
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to 0.8
Solved in r1829, thank to Antti Perkiömäki for reporting.
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