



Feature #13561


Easy creation of sub-task through a quick button

Added by Dipan Mehta about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Target version:
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Usually when we want to create sub-task, we are in the context of parent task (typically on that issue page and want to create a sub-task quickly. Currently we have to go to 'New Issue' button and memorize the parent task number to fill inside this subtask.

It would be nice and quick if we can have a link or button next to update as 'create sub-task' which might be done through a popup box to get this quickly.

Current functionality is not really impossible or very hard; but it might just makes thing easy.


screenshot.png (73.1 KB) screenshot.png Redmine 2.2.1 Jan Niggemann ( team member), 2013-03-25 14:30
Actions #1

Updated by Dipan Mehta about 12 years ago

See also #1881 #8440 and #987

Actions #2

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs feedback

The requested feature does exist in my instance and as far as I can remember, it was already there in 1.4.3...

What version are you using?

Actions #3

Updated by Dipan Mehta about 12 years ago

Jan Niggemann wrote:

The requested feature does exist in my instance and as far as I can remember, it was already there in 1.4.3...

What version are you using?

Sub-tasking does exist in Redmine since 1.0.x (#443). The current issue is to have a quick click way to create sub-task, mostly have a more intuitive button for it!

This issue can also be extended to have another button such as 'create related issue'.

Actions #4

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Of course I know that subtasking does exist, as well as the button. Check this screenshot, it shows the link "Hinzufügen" which is German and means "add"...
The button does exist, the only thing is that you might not call it a button but a link (depending on the theme, I use A1 in this example)...

Actions #5

Updated by Dipan Mehta about 12 years ago

Aaha! Yes it is. I am so sorry not to observe thing rigorously before posting an Issue.

Only thing is - when creating the sub-task it would be great if the sub-task can come pre-filled with fields from the parent task - specially Target Versions, and other custom fields.

But this is covered under #6217 and #6117. So this issue can be closed.

Actions #6

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs feedback to Closed
  • Resolution set to Invalid

No problem, it's most important that redmine already does what you want :-)


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