Feature #13824
openProject identifier for greek + cyrillic glyphs
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Currently the automatic project identifier (specified in source:trunk/public/javascripts/project_identifier.js) does not support greek an cyrillic glyphs. The following table extends the transcriptions (romanizations) of greek (EL) and cyrillic (RU + UK + XX) glyphs. "XX" stands for cyrillic glyphs that are not russian and not ukrainian.
EL RU UK XX ========================================================= a Αα Аа Əə \u0391\u03b1 \u0410\u0430 b Ββ Бб \u0392\u03b2 \u0411\u0431 c Цц \u0426\u0446 ch Χχ Чч \u03a7\u03c7 \u0427\u0447 d Δδ Дд \u0394\u03b4 \u0414\u0434 dj Ђђ \u0402\u0452 dz Ѕѕ Џџ \u0405\u0455 \u040f\u045f e Εε Ηη Ее Ээ Ѐѐ \u0395\u03b5 \u0397\u03b7 \u0415\u0435 \u042d\u044d \u0400\u0450 f Фф \u0424\u0444 g Γγ Гг Ґґ Ğğ \u0393\u03b3 \u0413\u0433 \u0490\u0491 \u011e\u011f gj Ѓѓ \u0403\u0453 h Хх Һһ \u0425\u0445 \u04ba\u04bb i Ιι Ии Іі Ѝѝ \u0399\u03b9 \u0418\u0438 \u0406\u0456 \u040d\u045d j Йй \u0419\u0439 ji Її \u0407\u0457 je Єє \u0404\u0454 jo Ёё \u0401\u0451 k Κκ Кк \u039a\u03ba \u041a\u043a kj Ќќ \u040c\u045c l Λλ Лл Ԓԓ \u039b\u03bb \u041b\u043b \u0512\u0513 lj Љљ \u0409\u0459 m Μμ Мм \u039c\u03bc \u041c\u043c n Νν Нн \u039d\u03bd \u041d\u043d nj Њњ \u040a\u045a o Οο Ωω Оо \u039f\u03bf \u03a9\u03c9 \u041e\u043e p Ππ Пп \u03a0\u03c0 \u041f\u043f ph Φφ \u03a6\u03c6 ps Ψψ \u03a8\u03c8 r Ρρ Рр \u03a1\u03c1 \u0420\u0440 s Σσ Сс \u03a3\u03c3 \u0421\u0441 sh Шш \u0428\u0448 shch Щщ \u0429\u0449 t Ττ Тт \u03a4\u03c4 \u0422\u0442 th Θθ \u0398\u03b8 u Уу Ўў \u0423\u0443 \u040e\u045e v Вв \u0412\u0432 x Ξξ \u039e\u03be y Υυ Ыы \u03a5\u03c5 \u042b\u044b ya Яя \u042f\u044f yu Юю \u042e\u044e z Ζζ Зз \u0396\u03b6 \u0417\u0437 zh Жж \u0416\u0436
Related issues
Updated by Filou Centrinov almost 12 years ago
Romanization to "a"
a | Αα Аа Əə \u0391\u03b1 \u0410\u0430 \u018f\u0259
Updated by Filou Centrinov almost 12 years ago
"Ыы" (\u042b\u044b) is romanized to "i".
The patch adds the greek and cyrillic alphabet. There are no changes on latin alphabet, only some spaces had been inserted for pretty print.
Updated by Filou Centrinov almost 12 years ago
Removing space:
- {'base':'oe','letters': /[\u00F6\u0153\u00D6\u0152]/g},
+ {'base':'oe','letters':/[\u00F6\u0153\u00D6\u0152]/g},
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #12844: Allow upper-case letters in project identifiers added