



Feature #12844


Allow upper-case letters in project identifiers

Added by Arnaud GUT about 12 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

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I'm currently synchronizing a lot of projects into Redmine with another application, and I have to flatten all source projects identifiers (which use mixed case) to all lowercase. The problem is that in some cases those names are used on the file system, and all my servers are Unix. Thus file paths end all wrong.

I was wondering if the project identifier constraint could be relaxed a bit and accept both upper and lower case letters ?

BTW: there might be a small bug in the automatic identifier generation at project creation time, where underscores becomes dashes instead of staying as underscores.
Arnaud GUT

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #13824: Project identifier for greek + cyrillic glyphsNew

Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 12 years ago

Arnaud GUT wrote:

I was wondering if the project identifier constraint could be relaxed a bit and accept both upper and lower case letters ?

That seems reasonable.

BTW: there might be a small bug in the automatic identifier generation at project creation time, where underscores becomes dashes instead of staying as underscores.

Fixed in r11195. Thanks for pointing this out.

Actions #2

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 12 years ago

  • Subject changed from Relaxing project identifier constraints (a bit) to Allow upper-case letters in project identifiers
Actions #3

Updated by Arnaud GUT about 12 years ago

When this could be implemented as it seems to not be a huge modification (a priori !)?
If you prefer, answer on my private mail.

Actions #4

Updated by Patrick O'Keeffe about 11 years ago

This shouldn't be difficult to implement:

root/trunk/public/javascripts/project_identifier.js | line 54:

-  identifier = identifier.replace(/[^a-z0-9_]+/gi, '-'); // remaining non-alphanumeric => hyphen
+ identifier = identifier.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/gi, '-'); // remaining non-alphanumeric => hyphen

Note: I don't know if/how this change might affect other components.

Actions #5

Updated by Daniel Felix about 11 years ago

What is the use case behind this? What benefit do you get from uppercase identifiers and uppercase URL's? Mostly this makes more problems than uses?

How do you plan to handle Identifieres like "Redmine", "redmine" and "RedMine"? They could occur, but the url is in this cases case insensitive.

Actions #6

Updated by Vincent Caron about 11 years ago

The use case was one where we would synchronize a repository hierarchy (a Hg repository managed by RhodeCode to be more precise) with a project hierarchy within Redmine. On the repository side, the URLs are built to map the filesystem which is case sensitive under Unix. Once the names were flatten as lowercase Redmine-project-IDs it became impossible to reverse-map those IDs to proper repository paths.

We (Arnaud and I) don't rely on this use case anymore, this ticket may be closed as far as I'm concerned.

Actions #7

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 8 years ago

  • Related to Feature #13824: Project identifier for greek + cyrillic glyphs added

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