Defect #13841
Today button in date picker does not work
Added by Regis Tremblay almost 12 years ago.
Updated almost 11 years ago.
The today button in the date picker doesn't work in redmine 2.3.0 stable.
It is greyed out and nothing happen when clicking on it.
Am I the only one with that problem.
I use Bitnami Redmine stack 2.3.0.
Redmine version 2.3.0.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.13
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Redmine plugins:
redmine_knowledgebase 2.2.0
redmine_people 0.1.6
It's working.
Try this: Switch the month in the calendar. Now press the today button and the calendar will show current month. The today button does not close the widget or insert a value into the date field. The today button is greyed out, this is correct.
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Ok so unlike the v1.3, that button do not actually put the date in the field.
Thank you very much.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Resolution set to Invalid
This functionality as currently implemented is not intuitive to the user. Could I suggest that the today button is only greyed out when today is current selected? If today is not currently selected, the today button should not be greyed out and clicking it should snap the date picker to today.
I would also suggest changing the outline of the date for today from blue to red, this will provide contrast to the user so they can see the difference between what is currently selected and what today's date is.
Lastly, clicking on a date in the date picker should not close the widget. The widget should only close when selecting done. These changes will make using the date picker widget very intuitive to the user.
Jason E wrote:
This functionality as currently implemented is not intuitive to the user. [...]
[...] These changes will make using the date picker widget very intuitive to the user.
I see your point, though the problem with this is that Redmine uses the stock jQuery UI Datepicker widget ( and I don't think it is a good idea to start patching third-party components inside Redmine (again). Ideally, these enhancements shall be implemented upstream.
Please open a new issue if there is a need to discuss this further because this issue is closed since the functionality is working as expected as Filou outlined in note-1.
It may not be necessary to change the upstream jQuery code, if trying to change the datePicker functionality.
See the solution proposed by Walter on this page: (it's a couple of years old, so possibly may not work in latest datePicker ?)
See his section starting:
" I don't like the solution of modifying the jQuery source code because it removes the ability to use a CDN. Instead, you can reassign the _gotoToday function...
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