



Feature #14130


Spent Time Report Filter options

Added by Anton Nepomnyaschih almost 12 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Time tracking
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


There is possibility in Spent Time Report now to filter spent time by issues's some fields. In my case, I added some custom fields, and see them in the filter options, for example:

It would be cool, if there would be presented also standart issue's fields like Target Version, Assigne, etc. - all filter options that are presented on Issues tab now:


2013-05-23_1317.png (22 KB) 2013-05-23_1317.png Anton Nepomnyaschih, 2013-05-23 08:21
2013-05-23_1320.png (38.5 KB) 2013-05-23_1320.png Anton Nepomnyaschih, 2013-05-23 08:21

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #13558: Add version filter in spent time reportClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Related to Redmine - Feature #30346: Add "Target Version" to the list of "Available columns" in "Spent time" TabClosedGo MAEDA

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Esemplare almost 12 years ago


There are some issues with this however.

Currently a time_entry has no real reference to some of these. The table holds a reference to:
  • project_id
  • user_id
  • issue_id
  • hours
  • comments
  • activity_id
  • date/time spent_on, created, updated

While it is possible to get the information from the issue the time entry corresponds to, that information is volatile data that can be modified when you update the issue. A time_entry is relative to a specific point in time so it needs to capture what ever data it wants persisted.

Unless the OP was talking about querying the issue in the time_entry for its current properties?

I would like to be able to correlate in what version time has been spent on without doing a double query (time_entries between version start date/end date).

Yay or nay adding version to the time_entries table? :)

Just thought about this also, the issue column is nullable, which means there can be time_entries without an issue to query these extra filters off of.

Actions #2

Updated by Anton Nepomnyaschih almost 12 years ago

Custom fields are not in the time_entry table too. But they are shown in the filter (see attached screenshot: Technology, Severity, etc - are custom fields). So...

Actions #3

Updated by Robert Barnebeck over 11 years ago


Actions #4

Updated by Peter Mathis over 11 years ago

+1 for adding Version to the Filter and the Table!

Actions #5

Updated by Thomas Godard over 11 years ago

+1 !

It would be really nice to have version when doing a CSV extraction.

Actions #6

Updated by Wiesław Bożek over 9 years ago

I need filter issue (number,name).

This topic have 2 years, this is possible realize this feature?

Actions #7

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Category set to Time tracking
Actions #8

Updated by Sebastian Paluch over 9 years ago


Actions #9

Updated by Stephane Evr over 9 years ago


Actions #10

Updated by Jean Louis over 9 years ago


And it should be usefull to have criteria "greater than to" and not only "greater than or equal to", to have list of issues with spent time greater than zero (and not equal to zero) because there are issues with spent time of 0.2 hour for example, thanks.

Actions #11

Updated by Go MAEDA over 8 years ago

  • Related to Feature #13558: Add version filter in spent time report added
Actions #12

Updated by Valdir Stiebe Junior over 8 years ago

I suggest that this issue must be split in two feature requests.

  1. Add standard issue fields on spent time report filter that use the current value in a group Current Issue's Values; (Maybe easier and fast to do)
  2. Freeze standard issue fields on time entries on time entry creation with a filter group Historic Issue's Values; (Obviously harder and demands a lot of discussion and definitions)
Actions #13

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 6 years ago

  • Related to Feature #30346: Add "Target Version" to the list of "Available columns" in "Spent time" Tab added
Actions #14

Updated by Enrique Sainz over 5 years ago


This would be very useful (and I speak about option 1 in note-12) in an organization such as ours. We have external suppliers that work for us and that bill man-hours only for closed issues. So I would need to generate spent time reports based on the closure date of their issue (to get time spent on issues that were closed after the last bill, but that might bill time spent before that bill was closed).

However, I believe it can be done more easily if we could retrieve time entries that belong to issues that are shown in a certain issue query. I mean adding a new option in the operator drop-down menu for the issue filter, such as "in", and that operator would be completed by another drop-down menu with an entry for each of my available issue queries.

Wouldn't that be easier than adding all issue filters to the spent time report page?


Actions #15

Updated by Alexandr Chernyaev almost 4 years ago



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