Defect #14179
openredmine base url wrong in email when relative_url_root set.
This report is for git SHA cc23ab9.
I upgraded recently a redmine installation from 1.4 to 2.3.1. We install in a relative_url_root (called /projets) and not in the root of the server.
The first issue I encountered was that
Redmine::Utils::relative_url_root = "/projets"
in the environment.rb config file doesn't work anymore. After digging in the "Issues" collection here on, I found some workaround, by adding:
RedmineApp::Application.routes.default_scope = { :path => '/projets' }
in environment.rb.
The report was advising using RedmineApp::Application.routes.default_scope = { :path => '/projets', :shallow_path => '/projets' }
, but the shorter version seems to work too. Pages are displayed correctly, RSS feeds have the right URLs too.
Anyways, no matter what I try, the email notification messages contain the wrong URL: ''. The relative_url_root is repeated.
Please advise.
NOTE: the relative_url_root configuration should be given a prominent and clear explanation in the RedmineInstall document. It is always a pain to figure out. I don't have data to back my next affirmation, but I believe a good portion of redmine installations are done on servers that contain other things apart redmine, thus requiring relative_url_root configurations.