Defect #14251
Redmine email reminders sending 4 emails everytime cron runs
Added by Diego Antunes over 11 years ago.
Updated over 11 years ago.
Email notifications
Hi, this is my environment
Redmine version 2.3.1.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.13
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Centos 6.3 (Final)
My Cron
*/5 * * * * . /var/www/html/redmine/redmine_fetch_imap //works fine
0 7 * * mon,tue,wed,thu,fri . /var/www/html/redmine/redmine_send_reminders > /var/www/html/redmine/reminders.log 2>&1 this one sends 4 emails each time it runs (or runs 4 times?)
Anyone having this issue?
Definitely runs only once, but sends out 4 emails each time it runs.
same effect on Windows Server and Redmine 1.4.0
D:\redmine\apps\redmine\htdocs>rake redmine:send_reminders days=1 users="3" RAILS_ENV="production" --trace
Please install RDoc 2.4.2+ to generate documentation.
** Invoke redmine:send_reminders (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute redmine:send_reminders
-> sends 3x Mails with same value
CanĀ“t see why. Seems all alright in mailer.rb:
# Sends reminders to issue assignees
# Available options:
# * :days => how many days in the future to remind about (defaults to 7)
# * :tracker => id of tracker for filtering issues (defaults to all trackers)
# * :project => id or identifier of project to process (defaults to all projects)
# * :users => array of user ids who should be reminded
def self.reminders(options={})
days = options[:days] || 7
project = options[:project] ? Project.find(options[:project]) : nil
tracker = options[:tracker] ? Tracker.find(options[:tracker]) : nil
user_ids = options[:users]
scope = => ["#{Issue.table_name}.assigned_to_id IS NOT NULL" +
" AND #{Project.table_name}.status = #{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}" +
" AND #{Issue.table_name}.due_date = ?",]
scope = scope.scoped(:conditions => {:assigned_to_id => user_ids}) if user_ids.present?
scope = scope.scoped(:conditions => {:project_id =>}) if project
scope = scope.scoped(:conditions => {:tracker_id =>}) if tracker
issues_by_assignee = scope.all(:include => [:status, :assigned_to, :project, :tracker]).group_by(&:assigned_to)
issues_by_assignee.each do |assignee, issues|
deliver_reminder(assignee, issues, days) if assignee.is_a?(User) &&
btw: SMTP Server is in local network (tried exchange server and hamster )
Also available in: Atom