Feature #14727
closedDisplay pretty notification email sender name
in app/model/mailer.rb, add app title to email sender name, like:
'From' => Setting.app_title + '<' + Setting.mail_from + '>'
Related issues
Updated by Etienne Massip over 11 years ago
- Tracker changed from Defect to Feature
- Subject changed from pretty mail sender name display to Display pretty notification email sender name
- Category set to Email notifications
At some point of time it was possible to set the Emission email address field value to this format in administration.
I haven't tried recently, could you?
Updated by Huang Ruhua over 11 years ago
I tried to use AppName<noreply@xxx.com> as Emission email address, but it doesn't work.
Updated by Jan from Planio www.plan.io about 11 years ago
Huang Ruhua wrote:
when can fix this issue?
Please note that Redmine is an Open Source project, developed by individual volunteers. There is no formal agenda or schedule for features, aside from the information on the issues in this tracker, so there is no actual answer to your question.
The best way to get a certain feature implemented is to (a) develop it yourself or (b) pay a Redmine company/professional to develop it for you. In any case, please consider contributing a patch here on redmine.org afterwards, so that the community can benefit from it as well.
Updated by Sebastian Paluch over 9 years ago
Huang Ruhua wrote:
I tried to use AppName<noreply@xxx.com> as Emission email address, but it doesn't work.
This does work in 3.1.0.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #247: Notification mail sender is the author and includes project information. added
Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #5913: Authors name in from address of email notifications added
Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Wont fix
You can set the value like "AppName <redmine@example.com>" to the "Emission email address" setting. The current versions of Redmine officially support the format: source:tags/4.0.1/test/unit/mailer_test.rb#L243
Updated by Aleksandar Pavic about 5 years ago
I would say this is a workaround, it's confusing for users to enter AppName together with email, in all email client configurations/settings it's logical to have sender name, and sender email address (which is used as replyTo address).
I would suggest to create additional field called: Emission email sender name: