



Feature #15633


Allow CSS overriding for (3rd party) module's stylesheets

Added by Anonymous about 11 years ago. Updated 11 months ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Wont fix


I use some plugins and now I want to customize one plugin's output via my own redmine theme (application.css)

Overriding the plugin's classes with a theme specific application.css is not possible because the css of the plugin is included after the theme stylesheet is included.

If the theme stylesheet loads after all plugin stylesheets were loaded overriding would be possible in an easy way.

So I request a change of base.html.erb that the stylesheet of the theme is linked after all plugin stylesheets.

Actions #1

Updated by Arthur Andersen almost 11 years ago

Most of the time plugins are build on top of the base theme overriding values from the base theme.
I suggest writing a custom plugin, which overrides all those stylesheets. As far as I remember the
plugins are loaded alphabetically, so you would have to choose the name of the plugin accordingly.

Actions #2

Updated by Holger Just 11 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Wont fix

CSS has builtin specificity rules which results in more specific rules to be applied in top of less specific rules. Often, you can just leverage those CSS rules for your desired effect. If that is not possible in specific cases, you can also use the !important flag on your custom rules to set them with maximum specificity.

Alternatively, you can also contact the plugin authors to adjust their styles for better themability.

As such, I don't think it is necessary to change this behavior. If this assessment is wrong, please provide more details about your specific use-case and explain how this can;t be solved with the existing customization options.


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