Defect #15987
closedWrong search pagination
Hi team,
I've encountered some strange search result behaviour.
We're using SQL Server for our instance with the latest Ruby Release (2.1.0) But we've encountered the same behaviour earlier with the older Redmine Releases (2.2 to 2.5-devel).
For example:
Search as admin for "test". We're getting nearly 650 results. If I try to paginate next, everything seems to be ok, but in fact I'm not on page 2, instead I'm on the penultimate page (Pagecount -1). If I press next again, I'm on the last page of my 650 results.
This seems to be a bug. I can replicate it everytime. Even on fresh installs.
The next URL seems to give the resolution:
I searched today for "test", the next link has a strange offset:
/search?offset= 20130603084359 &q=test&utf8=%E2%9C%93
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