Feature #16807
openAllow strict before (<) or after (>) filters for dates
I guess I've found bug with Issues API. The problem exists with query like this:/issues.json?limit=100&offset=0&project_id=30&status_id=5&closed_on=<2014-04-01&sort=closed_on
The following query works just like it is supposed to/issues.json?limit=100&offset=0&project_id=30&status_id=5&closed_on=<=2014-04-01&sort=closed_on
The difference is in equal sign in closed_on parameter. I think when I'm avoiding equal sign, the query should return issues with closed date LESS THAN provided date. However query returns error in paramer closed on.
Both queries are passed in url-encoded format.
Info about installation:
Redmine version: 2.5.0.stable
Ruby version: 2.0.0-p353 (2013-11-22) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version: 3.2.17
Environment: production
Database adapter: Mysql2