Defect #20
Roadmap - Distinguishing open and closed issues
Added by Jeffrey Jones almost 18 years ago.
Updated almost 14 years ago.
Currently the roadmap displays both open and closed issues. Some people might argue that it should only display open
issues (since the closed ones are in the changelog). Personally I prefer to have all the issues in the roadmap.
Having said that it would be useful if any issue with a status that is closed has (closed) next to the description so
that at a glance you can see what still needs to be done in the roadmap.
Am more impressed with redMine by the day.
Not really a bug, maybe I could simply add the status even if
the issue is still open (to know if it's assigned...)
What do you think about it ?
Wasn't sure if I should put it as a bug or feature request.
From now on if I am in doubt I'll default to feature requests.
To be honest I think in the roadmap screen it would be
better to keep it simple and just have "open"
or "closed".
That way at a glance you can see what the over-arching
status of that version is without having to convert it
mentally (assigned means it is open, rejected means it is
closed) etc etc.
Of course this is just my opinion. Maybe someone else can
chime in, it isn't exactly a high priority fix for me.
Congrats again on this, it wins my "Rails app of the
The fix is committed.
I've just added (closed) at the end of the closed issues (they
will appear at the end of the list). I think it's not necessary
to add (open) to the others, as you proposed initially.
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