



Defect #22424


Change Russian translation for default_issue_status_feedback

Added by Serguei Okladnikov almost 9 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


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Affected version:


I suggest rename default russian translation of feedback status.
Currenly it is "Обратная связь" that mean like technical term feedback
positive or negative feedback
I suggest "Нужен отклик" that may be per world translated as "need a response".
See google translate to check: Нужен отклик

Actions #1

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 9 years ago

  • Subject changed from default_issue_status_feedback to Russian default_issue_status_feedback change suggession
  • Category changed from I18n to Translations
Actions #2

Updated by Serguei Okladnikov almost 9 years ago

I don't say that current value is not right.
Current value is right. But suggested value
possible more compies to meaning of status.

Actions #3

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 8 years ago

This issue suggests changing Russian translation for "Feedback" from "Обратная связь" to "Нужен отклик".
Comments from Russian speakers welcome.

Actions #4

Updated by Serguei Okladnikov almost 8 years ago

(Mantis use same translation: // //

Actions #5

Updated by Vasili Korol over 7 years ago

I agree with Serguei. The term "Обратная связь" is very commonly used on Russian websites, usually for "feedback forms", same as "contact us" or vice versa. I would suggest using one of the following:
  • Serguei's variant "Нужен отклик" (Need response)
  • smth like "Ожидается ответ" (Awaiting answer) or "Требуется ответ" (Answer required)
  • it could even be translated to "Обсуждение" (Discussion).

In either case, it would be closer to the actual meaning of the "feedback status".

Actions #6

Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago

  • Target version set to 4.1.0

Vasili Korol, thank you for your feedback.
New translation "Нужен отклик" by Serguei Okladnikov seems good. Setting target version to 3.5.0.

Index: config/locales/ru.yml
--- config/locales/ru.yml    (revision 16752)
+++ config/locales/ru.yml    (working copy)
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
   default_doc_category_user: Пользовательская документация
   default_issue_status_in_progress: В работе
   default_issue_status_closed: Закрыта
-  default_issue_status_feedback: Обратная связь
+  default_issue_status_feedback: Нужен отклик
   default_issue_status_new: Новая
   default_issue_status_rejected: Отклонена
   default_issue_status_resolved: Решена
Actions #7

Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago

  • Subject changed from Russian default_issue_status_feedback change suggession to Change Russian translation for default_issue_status_feedback
Actions #8

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Target version changed from 4.1.0 to 4.0.0
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Committed in trunk r16943, thanks.

Actions #9

Updated by VVD VVD over 7 years ago

Serguei, тогда уж «Необходим» или же «Требуется», а не «Нужен» (какое-то разговорное слово).

Actions #10

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago

VVD VVD wrote:

Serguei, тогда уж «Необходим» или же «Требуется», а не «Нужен» (какое-то разговорное слово).

Please post in English.

Actions #11

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to New
Actions #12

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs feedback
Actions #13

Updated by Serghei Zagorinyak about 7 years ago

In my opininon the best translation would be Требуется обратная связь (i.e. Feedback required)

Why "Требуется обратная связь" and not just "Обратная связь": status names should describe current state of the issue, i.e. its quality (good/bad/open/closed and so on). Words "обратная связь" describe an item, not a quality. It's like naming issue status "chair" or "tree". It doesn't describe any quality of an issue. Normally you would name your status "chair required" if for some reason you want your issue to have a chair in it. Same here.

As for other suggested options:
  • Нужен отклик. Literally this is correct, but nobody ever speaks like that;
  • Требуется ответ (Answer required). The word "ответ" is less formal than "обратная связь";
  • Обсуждение (Discussion) - this changes the meaning of initial phrase. Requesting feedback doesn't mean you want to start a discussion with someone.
Actions #14

Updated by VVD VVD about 7 years ago

Serghei Zagorinyak wrote:

In my opininon the best translation would be Требуется обратная связь (i.e. Feedback required)


Actions #15

Updated by Serguei Okladnikov about 7 years ago

Length of text is significant. This affects the width and height to table row and column. This is notable on desktop not only tablet. This field (and other) must be as minimimal as possible. Easy to use statuses colorification for most themes, so color instead of text is sign. Current value is most long status already. It is already too long. Value must be understandable and short like afm commands. Tooltip or help notice may enough long.

Actions #16

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 7 years ago

Serguei Okladnikov wrote:

Length of text is significant. This affects the width and height to table row and column. This is notable on desktop not only tablet. This field (and other) must be as minimimal as possible. Easy to use statuses colorification for most themes, so color instead of text is sign. Current value is most long status already. It is already too long. Value must be understandable and short like afm commands. Tooltip or help notice may enough long.

Do you think Нужен отклик is correct?

Actions #17

Updated by Vasili Korol about 7 years ago

The translation Требуется обратная связь will have the same meaning as Нужен отклик in this context, but is shorter. The latter is important, as noted by Serguei Okladnikov.

Actually, Требуется ответ (response/answer needed) or even Ожидается ответ (awaiting response/answer) may fit here. I don't think that ответ (response/answer) is too informal in this case.

Honestly, I don't like the term обратная связь at all - it is long and looks weird in the context.

Actions #18

Updated by Serguei Okladnikov about 7 years ago

Требуется ответ or Ожидается ответ is same meaning as Нужен отклик.

I thought could me to suggest запрос (request) в качестве статуса. Suggestion ответ (requests) is helpfull to understand that it makes sence. All issue statuses have informational sence for client (or bug reporter) but status feedback is more significant for client (from point of view of developers and development process). Significance mean that client need to read carefully and write clarification or answer on developers question.

So ответ (answer) may be understanded by client that some responce is provided and may be ignored. However запрос (request) more probably involve client to see what is the request and than more probably involve client to write responce for request.

This well reflects the state, attracts the client to the necessary action, fits into the context, and is in good agreement with the other statuses, for example:

new: Новый
feedback: Запрос
resolved: Решён
closed: Закрыт

Actions #19

Updated by Vasili Korol about 7 years ago

Well, in this case Нужен отклик or Требуется отклик will mean that a response is needed, and can't be ignored. The term Запрос (request) is a bit confusing and ambiguous. A request for what?

Actions #20

Updated by Alex Levashov about 7 years ago

IMO Нужен отклик is clear enough and still short, Запрос is more confusing

Actions #21

Updated by Roman Yagodin about 7 years ago

I'm OK with current translation, as I think that Обратная связь (Feedback) have more general meaning than Нужен отклик (Response required/needed).

Actions #22

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs feedback to Closed

This is a default translation that can be changed online by admins.


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