Feature #22600
closedAdd warning when loosing data from custom fields when bulk editing issues
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Hi, just lost bunch of data (maybe they are buried somewhere in DB, or at least, we have DB backup :).
What happened:
What happened:
- I just moved lot of issues by mass-moving them from one project to another.
- I have defined custom fields in source project. These custom fields were defined not for "all projects" but only for specific ones - in this case, (ticket) custom fields were enabled only for source project and (by my mistake) not for destination project
- I moved all issues by multiple edit feature.
- And voila, all custom fields disappeared in new (destination) project, because there were not enabled for that project
- So I enabled these custom fields also for the new (destination) projects, so now they are available, but data from these fields was lost. I didn't examined how exactly RM is behaving in this case - if values of custom fields were deleted or if they are buried somewhere in DB.
- Anyway I think that solution can be very easy - when moving issues from one project to another (or tracker, etc.), and when there are not defined all custom fields in destination project/tracker, there should be some very clear/bright warning, something like "Hey dude, you are moving tickets to project/tracker where not of all currently used custom fields are defined/available, so you loose some data!" ...and if possible, list of there custom fields.
This will warn user so he/she can fix it before loosing data, like me :)
Or any other ideas, how to handle this situation?
PS: I'm describing only mass-ticket-update scenario, probably the same will be valid for single ticket copy/move
Related issues
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #21623: Journalize values that are cleared after project or tracker change added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 9 years ago
- Related to Defect #11731: Custom fields values are lost when changing the project on issue update added
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Add warning when loosing data from custom fields when moving tickets between projects to Add warning when loosing data from custom fields when bulk editing issues
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
- Target version set to 3.4.0
- Resolution set to Fixed
Feature added in r16224 on bulk edit. I don't think it's required when editing a single issue as we clearly see the changes that are happening when changing the project or tracker of the issue, which is not the case when bulk editing.