Patch #230
openhides some issues in calendar block in My Page
I worte patch for Calendar block in "My Page" to add following features.
- hide issues not assigned to me
- hide closed issues
I belongs to many projects in my company and Calendar becomes too large and confusing me because too many issues displayed
on the Calendar. So this patch is very useful for me.
I think there must be many people who is troubled by too large Calendar block in My Page.
Related issues
Updated by Cyril Mougel over 17 years ago
Ca you made a patch instead of a file.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 17 years ago
Here is a patch for latest Redmine.
BUG: cannot save the status of chexboxes.
Index: app/views/my/blocks/_calendar.rhtml
--- app/views/my/blocks/_calendar.rhtml (revision 815)
+++ app/views/my/blocks/_calendar.rhtml (working copy)@ -1,8 +1,19
<h3><%= l(:label_calendar) %></h3>
<% form_tag() do >
<= check_box_tag('cal_hide_not_assigned_to_me', 1,
params[:cal_hide_not_assigned_to_me]) >hide issues not
assigned to me
<= check_box_tag('cal_hide_closed',,
params[:cal_hide_closed]) >hide closed issues
<= submit_tag l(:button_apply), :class => 'button-small'
< end >
+hide_not_assigned_to_me =
params[:cal_hide_not_assigned_to_me] nil ? 0 : 1
+hide_closed = params[:cal_hide_closed] nil ? 0 : 1
< calendar =,
current_language, :week) = Issue.find :all,
- :conditions =>
["#{Issue.table_name}.project_id in
(#{@user.projects.collect{|m|}.join(',')}) AND
((start_date>=? and start_date<=?) or (due_date>=? and
due_date<=?))", calendar.startdt, calendar.enddt,
calendar.startdt, calendar.enddt],
- :include => [:project, :tracker,
:priority, :assigned_to] unless @user.projects.empty? %>
:conditions =>
["#{Issue.table_name}.project_id in
(#{@user.projects.collect{|m|}.join(',')}) AND
((start_date>=? and start_date<=?) or (due_date>=? and
due_date<=?)) AND (? = 0 or assigned_to_id = ?) AND (? = 0
or #{IssueStatus.table_name}.is_closed = ?)",
calendar.startdt, calendar.enddt, calendar.startdt,
calendar.enddt, hide_not_assigned_to_me,,
hide_closed, false],
+ :include => [:project, :tracker,
:priority, :assigned_to, :status] unless
@user.projects.empty? %>
{:calendar => calendar } %>
<%= render :partial => 'common/calendar', :locals =>
Updated by Go MAEDA over 17 years ago
Oops, line feeds are automatically inserted to my previous
I uploaded _calendar.rhtml.patch.
Updated by Daniel Felix over 12 years ago
Still open.
This patch isn't implemented in Redmine 2.1.2-devel.
Maybe this could be solved to with, or maybe in addition to #12223.