Feature #24198
Setting for subtasks optionally follow the project change of the parent
Added by Jérôme BATAILLE over 8 years ago.
Updated almost 6 years ago.
When an issue is moved to another project, it's subtasks are automatically moved to the project (with no journal for the move).
This patch :
- adds a configuration to choose if the subtasks follows
- enable the journal for the project move on subtasks
This can be surprising to see children issues moving to new parent issue project when parent is moved, because this is done without giving the choice and with no real hint.
This can be an issue when some children issues should not be seen by some members of the new project (real issue seen in our company !).
This patch adds a global option to forbid issues to follow the parent.
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
- Has duplicate Patch #31133: Option to forbid children issues to folow parent issue moving to another project added
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