



Feature #2438


Will any Opensource Instant Message System embed into Redmine?

Added by Amos Yang about 16 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Plugin API
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Like some flash or online chatting system.

Actions #1

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 16 years ago

  • Category set to Plugin API

I doubt if such a feature will ever be integrated in the core of Redmine. Simply because such a feature could be better implemented using the Plugin API IMHO...

There are already some plugins around which seems to provide integration with external services like Juggernaut (?) and Jabber:

There's even a plugin which implements a comparable feature more like a sort of twitter-clone, natively into Redmine (so no third-party services required), which is known as the Redmine Status Updates Plugin

Plz resolve the issue if request is full-filled...

HTH... ;-)

Actions #2

Updated by Amos Yang about 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
Actions #3

Updated by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

I've done some Juggernaut development. It's ok, pretty complex to setup but works decent once it's setup. It does use flash and I think it even does video. We ended up removing it because it was really difficult to keep running under load (it has a separate server process).

Actions #4

Updated by Sandesh Singh almost 16 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Reopened

Is it possible to use IM instead of/in addition to email for notifications with any of the mentioned systems? The documentation with all of them did not suggest anything like that.

Actions #5

Updated by Carsten Schurig almost 15 years ago

Sandesh Singh wrote:

Is it possible to use IM instead of/in addition to email for notifications with any of the mentioned systems? The documentation with all of them did not suggest anything like that.

Redmine Messagenger is (theoretically) able to do this: but it didn't ever work for me :(

I'd really like to have xmpp integrated into Redmine. (Redmine Messenger looks like a good solution, if it would work.)

Actions #6

Updated by Terence Mill over 14 years ago

Hello, we successfully set up an openfire server ( in some minutes, the installed the redmine messenger_plugin (( which does not bring any guid intop redmine, but create a redmine bot in any xmpp/jabber room on the redmine server which you can talk to. The bor answers on ticket information requests and updates a in room logged in user about ticket updates. There is redmine_jchat plugin which offers a into redmine integrated overall java script chat feature which its own server embedded. But it has no room or private messaging feature, just one "says" to all in redmine logged in users. I aksing the author noaways to integrate its jscript redmine chat which a real xmpp server - best a fusion of redmine_messeger ind redmine_jchat - best of both worlds, would create a in redmine gui integrated web chat running o an real xmpp server (e.g openfire) - offering all features what realy xmpp does offer. like private message and rooms, eg every redmine project can have its own team room.

Actions #7

Updated by Terence Mill over 14 years ago

Terence Mill wrote:

Hello, we successfully set up an openfire server ( in some minutes, the installed the redmine messenger_plugin (( which does not bring any guid intop redmine, but create a redmine bot in any xmpp/jabber room on the redmine server which you can talk to. The bor answers on ticket information requests and updates a in room logged in user about ticket updates. There is redmine_jchat plugin which offers a into redmine integrated overall java script chat feature which its own server embedded. But it has no room or private messaging feature, just one "says" to all in redmine logged in users. I aksing the author noaways to integrate its jscript redmine chat which a real xmpp server - best a fusion of redmine_messeger ind redmine_jchat - best of both worlds, would create a in redmine gui integrated web chat running o an real xmpp server (e.g openfire) - offering all features what realy xmpp does offer. like private message and rooms, eg every redmine project can have its own team room.

The redminemesseger plugin needs a patch to work, see here
Here is the lionk to the redmine_jchat
The idea of jchat and and messenger plugin fusion is requested here

Actions #8

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed

Closing this issue: very old + some plugins have been mentionned that should answer the question. No plan to add such a feature in core as far as I know.

Actions #9

Updated by Terence Mill almost 12 years ago

I tested This few plugins and none oft them works with Any redmine 2.x AS they are badly maitained.
A Community social message system would habe Bern useful enrichment. There are solutions completly done in JS on Server Seide AS well, but hat would need a JS Server like node.js


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