Patch #25392
Change Russian translation for field_due_date and label_relation_new
Added by Ilya Potapov about 8 years ago.
Updated almost 8 years ago.
There is a mistranslation for these labels in redmine:
- field_due_date: Дата завершения
- In russian it has the meaning of actual date of completeness, when all is done. Due date is like a deadline, so it should be translated as "Срок завершения"
- label_relation_new: Новое отношение
- In russian it has the meaning of new relationship with somebody, or new point of view about something. So it should be translated as "Новая связь" to be consistent with label_relation_delete: "Удалить связь"
I've prepared a new ru.yml file based on current trunk (r16420) (unfortunately i'm not familiar with patches) - please find it in the attachments.
This file also contains ru translation for new labels which were not translated yet except one: "error_cannot_reassign_time_entries_to_an_issue_about_to_be_deleted":
- If one tell me when redmine shows this label i'll find an accurate translation for this.
It would be great to add this feature to 3.4.0
- File 25392-change-ru-translation.diff 25392-change-ru-translation.diff added
- Tracker changed from Feature to Patch
- Subject changed from Change ru translation for "due date" and "new_relation" plus some new translations to Change Russian translation for field_due_date and label_relation_new
- Category changed from I18n to Translations
I have made a patch file to change existing translations from Ilya Potapov's work. And I have submitted another patch as #25397, which introduces new Russian translation.
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Could someone who speaks Russian check these changes?
Index: config/locales/ru.yml
--- config/locales/ru.yml (revision 16425)
+++ config/locales/ru.yml (working copy)
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
field_description: Описание
field_done_ratio: Готовность
field_downloads: Загрузки
- field_due_date: Дата завершения
+ field_due_date: Срок завершения
field_editable: Редактируемое
field_effective_date: Дата
field_estimated_hours: Оценка трудозатрат
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
label_related_issues: Связанные задачи
label_relates_to: связана с
label_relation_delete: Удалить связь
- label_relation_new: Новое отношение
+ label_relation_new: Новая связь
label_renamed: переименовано
label_reply_plural: Ответы
label_report: Отчёт
Go MAEDA wrote:
Could someone who speaks Russian check these changes?
Yes. All correct ;-)
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 3.4.0
Setting target version to 3.4.0.
Dmitry Salashnik,Thanks for reviewing.
- Related to Patch #25397: Russian translation update (r16388) added
I opened #25397 for newly translated strings.
Ilya Potapov, thank you for your work.
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
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