Defect #26376
closedWrong issue counts and spent time on project overview
After switching to 3.4.0 from 3.3.3 got the problem on project overview page. With non-admin user issue table is empty and total spent time is 0.0, even though "all issues" page and time report show correct data.
I saw related issues posted here but open new one because another version is affected and also because it seems to me that I found the reason.
I was able to trace the bug to the method User#project_ids_by_role
, which returned wrong data. The actual reason lives in :visible scope of Project:
scope :visible, lambda {|*args| where(Project.visible_condition(args.shift || User.current, *args)) }
Because of this method chain, any query to Project from
adds condition for parent id. So even if you place break point inside that method and call Project.first, you will get something likeSELECT * FROM Project WHERE = ? LIMIT 1
Looks like it's a bug affecting ActiveRecord 4.2.8, discussed here:
The actual problem with missing issues and time can be solved commenting first line in User#project_ids_by_role
(result caching) but it's not a valid solution. Also 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 seem to do same things but the bug is not reproduced on our data so we stick with 3.3.4 for now.
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