Feature #3003
openBetter handling of unknown and aliased email addresses when submitting issue via email
Currently incoming emails from unknown addresses are not processed.
Some redmine users also like to submit tickets from alternative or personal email addresses, and an ideal enhancement to the email submission would be:
1) possibility to add email aliases in addition to the default email address that is used for sending notifications. this way, an email from the default address or the secondary alias address will be accepted.
2) possibility to allow ticket submission from a previously unknown address. this could be mapped to a default generic user, or a new username created from the email address (both options could be avaialable to the administrator).
Related issues
Updated by Marius Hächler almost 16 years ago
- File create_users_from_emails_patch create_users_from_emails_patch added
- File fixtures.rar fixtures.rar added
I added some functionality that might be interesting. Basicly some more options for receiving e-mail, like what do to with unknown addresses. it's a little bit configurable like i thought it could be usefull.
A new user will be created from the email address:
email = from firstname = from.split(@).split(.).first lastname = from.split(@).split(.).last password = generated
Tests included
Use as you like. (i suggest this would resolve point 2)
Updated by Marius Hächler almost 16 years ago
This patch is somehow better.
Updated by Tero Tilus almost 16 years ago
Modified the patch a little. Role creation was broken against current trunk. Modified patch available at github, http://github.com/terotil/redmine/commit/458682467dc21a7cf0ad769fd5f351fbd96a468a
Updated by simon b almost 16 years ago
Thankyou. How to implement your patch? The github gives a 1.2mb tar file of the a fork rather than a .patch diff file.
I am using the latest svn checkout.
Updated by Tero Tilus almost 16 years ago
patch attached
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago
- Category set to Email notifications
Extracted from issue #2230:
Kolja K. wrote on 2009-11-20 17:46:
If you plan to put this issue in 0.9, it would be a really good idea to allow anonymous tickets with an email adress attached. This way, you are not forced to have every email to create an user only to know who has created the ticket. Kind of light users only with an email adress and unable to log in. Think of redirecting your webmaster@domain.com into redmine... and btw: there is a patch to activate a permission called "view own issues" - perfect solution for inbox projects.
Jean-Philippe Lang replied on 2009-11-21 13:34:
Yes, this would be a really good idea. But time is missing for adding this in 0.9.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago
- Category changed from Email notifications to Email receiving
Updated by Stéphane Gourichon about 13 years ago
Solution implemented r2789:Some redmine users also like to submit tickets from alternative or personal email addresses
- deals with unknown e-mails very well (AFAIK, at least)
- does not address need to associate to each user a collection of alternate e-mail adresses.
The one that bites hard here is people replying to existing issues with a different e-mail address... replies get lost.
That need of alternate e-mail addresses is de facto discussed in #4244, although the initial title and description are different.
If each issue is to be kept focused for clarity, should a separate dedicated issue be created ?