Feature #3035
openReminder at start-date
Reminder sends emails for issues due. It's also be useful to send emails at start. It can be used in future tasks planing.
Related issues
Updated by Stanislav German-Evtushenko almost 16 years ago
first revision patch
Updated by Stanislav German-Evtushenko almost 16 years ago
Updated by Stanislav German-Evtushenko almost 16 years ago
Updated by Zarooba Rozruba almost 16 years ago
How can I modify this to send reminders also when something has not been worked on? I do not know how often we will use due dates, when we have priorities which dictate urgency of tickets.
- immidiate priority -> send reminder if no one updated issue within 12 hours of last update
- critical priority -> send reminder if no one updated issue within 24 hours of last update
- high priority -> send reminder if no one updated issue within 48 hours of last update
- normal priority -> send reminder if no one updated issue within 7 days of last update
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Felipe Bessa Coelho about 13 years ago
Is there something I can help with to test and/or develop this issue? It would be great for tasks and event planning in our project, which is not only code related.
Updated by Samantha Cox almost 13 years ago
What also would be interesting is to specify any data field to be used. So that you could use for example a custom field instead of the start-date or the due-date.
Updated by Pavel Lautsevich about 12 years ago
+1 It is not enough reminders about starting and ending task!
Updated by Alex Stout about 11 years ago
Please Add this feature. The plugins are not cutting it because they aren't maintained. I mostly need the email Watchers feature, personally.