Feature #3090
field "Assigned to" with roles
Added by Ivan Nik over 15 years ago.
Updated over 11 years ago.
Can it be that the field "Assigned to" was adjested with blinding to roles?
- Assignee set to Azamat Hackimov
- Assignee changed from Azamat Hackimov to Eric Davis
Is any-body monitoring issues?
- Assignee deleted (
Eric Davis)
Yes, alot of us read the issues. This issue looka like a dupe for a few other, and are an issue that have had alot of discussions. That said, feature requests doesnt automagicly get fixed. Assigning it to some developer isnt really the right way to get it done either.
If you need something developed, make a bounty or contact some consultant who can make changes specific to your needs and reqs (depending on your timeframe).
Thanks for the explanation
The combination of #703 (available under version 2.1.0) and #12005 (planned) together will solve this.
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