Feature #32080
Merge as much stylesheets as possible into one file to decrease http requests
I think application.css, context_menu.css, context_menu_rtl.css, jstoolbar.css, responsive.css, rtl.css, scm.css should be merged.
What do you think?
Updated by Bernhard Rohloff over 5 years ago
Do you mean something like Rails' asset pipeline to concatenate and compress existing scripts to one single file when sending them to the client?
Updated by Anonymous over 5 years ago
Bernhard Ganslmeier, XD I don't know how it works, but whatever will get the job done. I think actually merging files into application.css by copying and inserting the contents of others, and removing em would be better IF your method wouldn't need to bother the server with merging those on each request, because that's minus brownie points to performance. Alternatively a script that would do it upon an only the first installation then. :D