



Feature #3260


Custom Project Links

Added by Anonymous almost 16 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

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Being able to add menu links per project, as seen here on with the 'Download' button leading to a selected URL. Ideally it would be set by project managers.

The only problem I foresee is the page template becoming distorted because of people adding too many links that don't fit into their browser width, but most people would probably only need a few.

Actions #1

Updated by Anonymous almost 16 years ago

Just thought I'd mention my use for this.
I'd rather have a central bulletin board for my entire site rather than one per-project, so a 'Forums' link to a specific category to that board would be very useful. I could put it into my project description, but I think most people would prefer and be more comfortable seeing it with the other menu links to maintain consistency and make it easier to find at a glance.

Actions #2

Updated by Ammler _ over 15 years ago

I would like to add links to our external nightly repository.

Actions #3

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

Mike K wrote:

Just thought I'd mention my use for this.
I'd rather have a central bulletin board for my entire site rather than one per-project, so a 'Forums' link to a specific category to that board would be very useful.

Mike K wrote:

Being able to add menu links per project, as seen here on with the 'Download' button leading to a selected URL. Ideally it would be set by project managers.

Such can also be done using the Tab plugin. See The only thing is that the plugin can only be used once per project. This makes it impossible to have more than one additional menu link.

I've also planned such a feature for release 0.3.0 of the Collapse plugin. See

Note that I don't think this feature should be added as part of the Redmine Core. I think this could be done using a dedicated plugin in a more general way also.

Kind regards,


Actions #4

Updated by Dipan Mehta almost 12 years ago

All your wishes are exactly granted by some or combination of the plug-ins:

  1. You can have a download button using a plugin called Redmine Download Button
  2. You can decorate such stuff in a side bar using a plugin called Per-project Sidebar [you can put full fledge wiki pages rendered as a decorative side page]
  3. You can use plugin Wiki Extensions which allows creating dedicated tabs on a project's menu and they can render specific wiki pages on that tabs.

Good enough?


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