Patch #32841
Drop support for Bundler prior to 1.12.0
Added by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago.
Updated about 5 years ago.
r19425 added "ruby" directive in Gemfile in order to reject Ruby 2.7, but the directive causes parse error if the version of bundler is earlier than 1.12.0 (released in April 2016).
$ bundle update
[!] There was an error parsing `Gemfile`: no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer. Bundler cannot continue.
# from /Users/maeda/redmines/trunk/Gemfile:3
# -------------------------------------------
> ruby '>= 2.3.0', '< 2.7.0'
# gem "bundler", ">= 1.5.0"
# -------------------------------------------
The attached patch changes the minimum required version of bundler described in Gemfile and doc/INSTALL.
- Target version set to 4.0.7
Setting the target version to 4.0.7.
- Blocked by Defect #32839: Redmine 4.1 installation fails due to an attempt to install sprockets 4.0.0 if bundler prior to 1.15.2 is used on Ruby prior to 2.5 added
- Related to Patch #32788: Specify supported Ruby version in Gemfile and doc/INSTALL added
- Target version deleted (
I think #32788#note-7 is a better solution because it does not force admins to update bundler.
Removing the target version.
Go MAEDA wrote:
I think #32788#note-7 is a better solution because it does not force admins to update bundler.
The change has been committed as r19463 but "if Bundler::VERSION >= '1.12.0'
" does not look good. So, I suggest dropping the support for the Bundler before 1.12.0 in Redmine 4.2.0.
Although raising the minimum required version of Bundler in minor releases may inconvenience some users, raising in major releases is not a matter because users expect that major releases have many big changes.
The attached patch changes Gemfile to require Bundler 1.12.0 or later.
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Go MAEDA
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