



Feature #33784


Update Mercurial repository support to be compatible with Python 3 and remove support for Mercurial < 5.1

Added by Harald Klimach over 4 years ago. Updated 15 days ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


As Mercurial is transitioning to Python 3, I updated my Mercurial version now to make use of Python 3 and ran into trouble with the RedmineHelper. Mainly due the string handling, as the Mercurial API requires bytes objects instead of strings.

Here is a patch, that changes the helper to work with Mercurial on Python 3, though it is not compatible with Python2 then anymore. There probably are better ways to implement this, but it works for me in this form.

Index: lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/
--- lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/    (revision 19937)
+++ lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/    (working copy)
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@
-import re, time, cgi, urllib
+import re, time, html, urllib
 from mercurial import cmdutil, commands, node, error, hg, registrar

 cmdtable = {}
 command = registrar.command(cmdtable) if hasattr(registrar, 'command') else cmdutil.command(cmdtable)

-_x = cgi.escape
-_u = lambda s: cgi.escape(urllib.quote(s))
+_x = lambda s: html.escape(s.decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8')
+_u = lambda s: html.escape(urllib.parse.quote(s)).encode('utf-8')

 def _changectx(repo, rev):
     if isinstance(rev, str):
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@
         except TypeError:  # Mercurial < 1.1
             return repo.changelog.count() - 1
     tipctx = _changectx(repo, tiprev())
-    ui.write('<tip revision="%d" node="%s"/>\n'
+    ui.write(b'<tip revision="%d" node="%s"/>\n'
              % (tipctx.rev(), _x(node.hex(tipctx.node()))))

-_SPECIAL_TAGS = ('tip',)
+_SPECIAL_TAGS = (b'tip',)

 def _tags(ui, repo):
     # see mercurial/
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
             r = repo.changelog.rev(n)
         except error.LookupError:
-        ui.write('<tag revision="%d" node="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
+        ui.write(b'<tag revision="%d" node="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
                  % (r, _x(node.hex(n)), _x(t)))

 def _branches(ui, repo):
@@ -104,66 +104,67 @@
             return repo.branchheads(branch)
     def lookup(rev, n):
-            return repo.lookup(rev)
+            return repo.lookup(str(rev).encode('utf-8'))
         except RuntimeError:
             return n
     for t, n, r in sorted(iterbranches(), key=lambda e: e[2], reverse=True):
         if lookup(r, n) in branchheads(t):
-            ui.write('<branch revision="%d" node="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
+            ui.write(b'<branch revision="%d" node="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
                      % (r, _x(node.hex(n)), _x(t)))

 def _manifest(ui, repo, path, rev):
     ctx = _changectx(repo, rev)
-    ui.write('<manifest revision="%d" path="%s">\n'
+    ui.write(b'<manifest revision="%d" path="%s">\n'
              % (ctx.rev(), _u(path)))

     known = set()
-    pathprefix = (path.rstrip('/') + '/').lstrip('/')
+    pathprefix = (path.decode('utf-8').rstrip('/') + '/').lstrip('/')
     for f, n in sorted(ctx.manifest().iteritems(), key=lambda e: e[0]):
-        if not f.startswith(pathprefix):
+        fstr = f.decode('utf-8')
+        if not fstr.startswith(pathprefix):
-        name = re.sub(r'/.*', '/', f[len(pathprefix):])
+        name = re.sub(r'/.*', '/', fstr[len(pathprefix):])
         if name in known:

         if name.endswith('/'):
-            ui.write('<dir name="%s"/>\n'
-                     % _x(urllib.quote(name[:-1])))
+            ui.write(b'<dir name="%s"/>\n'
+                     % _x(urllib.parse.quote(name[:-1]).encode('utf-8')))
             fctx = repo.filectx(f, fileid=n)
             tm, tzoffset =
-            ui.write('<file name="%s" revision="%d" node="%s" '
-                     'time="%d" size="%d"/>\n'
+            ui.write(b'<file name="%s" revision="%d" node="%s" '
+                     b'time="%d" size="%d"/>\n'
                      % (_u(name), fctx.rev(), _x(node.hex(fctx.node())),
                         tm, fctx.size(), ))

-    ui.write('</manifest>\n')
+    ui.write(b'</manifest>\n')

-         [('r', 'rev', '', 'revision'),
-          ('u', 'user', None, 'list the author (long with -v)'),
-          ('n', 'number', None, 'list the revision number (default)'),
-          ('c', 'changeset', None, 'list the changeset'),
+         [(b'r', b'rev', b'', b'revision'),
+          (b'u', b'user', None, b'list the author (long with -v)'),
+          (b'n', b'number', None, b'list the revision number (default)'),
+          (b'c', b'changeset', None, b'list the changeset'),
-         'hg rhannotate [-r REV] [-u] [-n] [-c] FILE...')
+         b'hg rhannotate [-r REV] [-u] [-n] [-c] FILE...')
 def rhannotate(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
-    rev = urllib.unquote_plus(opts.pop('rev', None))
+    rev = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(opts.pop('rev', None))
     opts['rev'] = rev
-    return commands.annotate(ui, repo, *map(urllib.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)
+    return commands.annotate(ui, repo, *map(urllib.parse.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)

-               [('r', 'rev', '', 'revision')],
-               'hg rhcat ([-r REV] ...) FILE...')
+               [(b'r', b'rev', b'', b'revision')],
+               b'hg rhcat ([-r REV] ...) FILE...')
 def rhcat(ui, repo, file1, *pats, **opts):
-    rev = urllib.unquote_plus(opts.pop('rev', None))
+    rev = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(opts.pop('rev', None))
     opts['rev'] = rev
-    return, repo, urllib.unquote_plus(file1), *map(urllib.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)
+    return, repo, urllib.parse.unquote_plus(file1), *map(urllib.parse.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)

-               [('r', 'rev', [], 'revision'),
-                ('c', 'change', '', 'change made by revision')],
-               'hg rhdiff ([-c REV] | [-r REV] ...) [FILE]...')
+               [(b'r', b'rev', [], b'revision'),
+                (b'c', b'change', b'', b'change made by revision')],
+               b'hg rhdiff ([-c REV] | [-r REV] ...) [FILE]...')
 def rhdiff(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     """diff repository (or selected files)""" 
     change = opts.pop('change', None)
@@ -171,34 +172,34 @@
         base = _changectx(repo, change).parents()[0].rev()
         opts['rev'] = [str(base), change]
     opts['nodates'] = True
-    return commands.diff(ui, repo, *map(urllib.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)
+    return commands.diff(ui, repo, *map(urllib.parse.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)

-                    ('r', 'rev', [], 'show the specified revision'),
-                    ('b', 'branch', [],
-                       'show changesets within the given named branch'),
-                    ('l', 'limit', '',
-                         'limit number of changes displayed'),
-                    ('d', 'date', '',
-                         'show revisions matching date spec'),
-                    ('u', 'user', [],
-                      'revisions committed by user'),
-                    ('', 'from', '',
-                      ''),
-                    ('', 'to', '',
-                      ''),
-                    ('', 'rhbranch', '',
-                      ''),
-                    ('', 'template', '',
-                       'display with template')],
-                   'hg rhlog [OPTION]... [FILE]')
+                    (b'r', b'rev', [], b'show the specified revision'),
+                    (b'b', b'branch', [],
+                       b'show changesets within the given named branch'),
+                    (b'l', b'limit', b'',
+                         b'limit number of changes displayed'),
+                    (b'd', b'date', b'',
+                         b'show revisions matching date spec'),
+                    (b'u', b'user', [],
+                      b'revisions committed by user'),
+                    (b'', b'from', b'',
+                      b''),
+                    (b'', b'to', b'',
+                      b''),
+                    (b'', b'rhbranch', b'',
+                      b''),
+                    (b'', b'template', b'',
+                       b'display with template')],
+                   b'hg rhlog [OPTION]... [FILE]')
 def rhlog(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     rev      = opts.pop('rev')
     bra0     = opts.pop('branch')
-    from_rev = urllib.unquote_plus(opts.pop('from', None))
-    to_rev   = urllib.unquote_plus(opts.pop('to'  , None))
-    bra      = urllib.unquote_plus(opts.pop('rhbranch', None))
+    from_rev = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(opts.pop('from', None))
+    to_rev   = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(opts.pop('to'  , None))
+    bra      = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(opts.pop('rhbranch', None))
     from_rev = from_rev.replace('"', '\\"')
     to_rev   = to_rev.replace('"', '\\"')
     if hg.util.version() >= '1.6':
@@ -206,28 +207,30 @@
       opts['rev'] = ['%s:%s' % (from_rev, to_rev)]
     opts['branch'] = [bra]
-    return commands.log(ui, repo, *map(urllib.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)
+    return commands.log(ui, repo, *map(urllib.parse.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)

-                   [('r', 'rev', '', 'show the specified revision')],
-                   'hg rhmanifest [-r REV] [PATH]')
-def rhmanifest(ui, repo, path='', **opts):
+                   [(b'r', b'rev', b'', b'show the specified revision')],
+                   b'hg rhmanifest [-r REV] [PATH]')
+def rhmanifest(ui, repo, path=b'', **opts):
     """output the sub-manifest of the specified directory""" 
-    ui.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
-    ui.write('<rhmanifest>\n')
-    ui.write('<repository root="%s">\n' % _u(repo.root))
+    ui.write(b'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
+    ui.write(b'<rhmanifest>\n')
+    ui.write(b'<repository root="%s">\n' % _u(repo.root))
-        _manifest(ui, repo, urllib.unquote_plus(path), urllib.unquote_plus(opts.get('rev')))
+        _manifest(ui, repo,
+                  urllib.parse.unquote_plus(path.decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8'),
+                  urllib.parse.unquote_plus(opts.get('rev').decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8'))
-        ui.write('</repository>\n')
-        ui.write('</rhmanifest>\n')
+        ui.write(b'</repository>\n')
+        ui.write(b'</rhmanifest>\n')

-@command('rhsummary',[], 'hg rhsummary')
+@command(b'rhsummary', [], b'hg rhsummary')
 def rhsummary(ui, repo, **opts):
     """output the summary of the repository""" 
-    ui.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
-    ui.write('<rhsummary>\n')
-    ui.write('<repository root="%s">\n' % _u(repo.root))
+    ui.write(b'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
+    ui.write(b'<rhsummary>\n')
+    ui.write(b'<repository root="%s">\n' % _u(repo.root))
         _tip(ui, repo)
         _tags(ui, repo)
@@ -234,6 +237,6 @@
         _branches(ui, repo)
         # TODO: bookmarks in core (Mercurial>=1.8)
-        ui.write('</repository>\n')
-        ui.write('</rhsummary>\n')
+        ui.write(b'</repository>\n')
+        ui.write(b'</rhsummary>\n')

It would be great, if Redmine could support Mercurial on Python 3. Maybe the mercurial.pycompat module could be of help to create a patch that does not break backwards compatibility.


33784_Redmine_5.0.3.patch (11.5 KB) 33784_Redmine_5.0.3.patch Olivier Houdas, 2022-12-14 09:16
mercurial-py3-fix (12.6 KB) mercurial-py3-fix Jakob Haufe, 2023-02-24 14:00
mercurial-py3-fix (12.6 KB) mercurial-py3-fix Patch from Debian redmine 5.0.4-6 Jakob Haufe, 2023-11-30 10:37
mercurial-py3.patch (13.1 KB) mercurial-py3.patch Sean Baggaley, 2025-02-05 02:57
mercurial_py3_and_5.1.patch (15.3 KB) mercurial_py3_and_5.1.patch Sean Baggaley, 2025-02-14 01:32
Actions #1

Updated by Harald Klimach over 4 years ago

The patch above does not work properly for everything (file views and diffs of files), so I had to revise it a little bit. Still this changed version only supports Mercurial on Python 3:

Index: lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/
--- lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/    (revision 19937)
+++ lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/    (working copy)
@@ -45,17 +45,20 @@
-import re, time, cgi, urllib
+import re, time, html, urllib
 from mercurial import cmdutil, commands, node, error, hg, registrar

 cmdtable = {}
 command = registrar.command(cmdtable) if hasattr(registrar, 'command') else cmdutil.command(cmdtable)

-_x = cgi.escape
-_u = lambda s: cgi.escape(urllib.quote(s))
+_x = lambda s: html.escape(s.decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8')
+_u = lambda s: html.escape(urllib.parse.quote(s)).encode('utf-8')

+def unquoteplus(*args, **kwargs):
+    return urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes(*args, **kwargs).replace(b'+', b' ')
 def _changectx(repo, rev):
-    if isinstance(rev, str):
+    if isinstance(rev, bytes):
        rev = repo.lookup(rev)
     if hasattr(repo, 'changectx'):
         return repo.changectx(rev)
@@ -70,10 +73,10 @@
         except TypeError:  # Mercurial < 1.1
             return repo.changelog.count() - 1
     tipctx = _changectx(repo, tiprev())
-    ui.write('<tip revision="%d" node="%s"/>\n'
+    ui.write(b'<tip revision="%d" node="%s"/>\n'
              % (tipctx.rev(), _x(node.hex(tipctx.node()))))

-_SPECIAL_TAGS = ('tip',)
+_SPECIAL_TAGS = (b'tip',)

 def _tags(ui, repo):
     # see mercurial/
@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@
             r = repo.changelog.rev(n)
         except error.LookupError:
-        ui.write('<tag revision="%d" node="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
+        ui.write(b'<tag revision="%d" node="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
                  % (r, _x(node.hex(n)), _x(t)))

 def _branches(ui, repo):
@@ -104,130 +107,140 @@
             return repo.branchheads(branch)
     def lookup(rev, n):
-            return repo.lookup(rev)
+            return repo.lookup(str(rev).encode('utf-8'))
         except RuntimeError:
             return n
     for t, n, r in sorted(iterbranches(), key=lambda e: e[2], reverse=True):
         if lookup(r, n) in branchheads(t):
-            ui.write('<branch revision="%d" node="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
+            ui.write(b'<branch revision="%d" node="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
                      % (r, _x(node.hex(n)), _x(t)))

 def _manifest(ui, repo, path, rev):
     ctx = _changectx(repo, rev)
-    ui.write('<manifest revision="%d" path="%s">\n'
+    ui.write(b'<manifest revision="%d" path="%s">\n'
              % (ctx.rev(), _u(path)))

     known = set()
-    pathprefix = (path.rstrip('/') + '/').lstrip('/')
+    pathprefix = (path.decode('utf-8').rstrip('/') + '/').lstrip('/')
     for f, n in sorted(ctx.manifest().iteritems(), key=lambda e: e[0]):
-        if not f.startswith(pathprefix):
+        fstr = f.decode('utf-8')
+        if not fstr.startswith(pathprefix):
-        name = re.sub(r'/.*', '/', f[len(pathprefix):])
+        name = re.sub(r'/.*', '/', fstr[len(pathprefix):])
         if name in known:

         if name.endswith('/'):
-            ui.write('<dir name="%s"/>\n'
-                     % _x(urllib.quote(name[:-1])))
+            ui.write(b'<dir name="%s"/>\n'
+                     % _x(urllib.parse.quote(name[:-1]).encode('utf-8')))
             fctx = repo.filectx(f, fileid=n)
             tm, tzoffset =
-            ui.write('<file name="%s" revision="%d" node="%s" '
-                     'time="%d" size="%d"/>\n'
+            ui.write(b'<file name="%s" revision="%d" node="%s" '
+                     b'time="%d" size="%d"/>\n'
                      % (_u(name), fctx.rev(), _x(node.hex(fctx.node())),
                         tm, fctx.size(), ))

-    ui.write('</manifest>\n')
+    ui.write(b'</manifest>\n')

-         [('r', 'rev', '', 'revision'),
-          ('u', 'user', None, 'list the author (long with -v)'),
-          ('n', 'number', None, 'list the revision number (default)'),
-          ('c', 'changeset', None, 'list the changeset'),
+         [(b'r', b'rev', b'', b'revision'),
+          (b'u', b'user', None, b'list the author (long with -v)'),
+          (b'n', b'number', None, b'list the revision number (default)'),
+          (b'c', b'changeset', None, b'list the changeset'),
-         'hg rhannotate [-r REV] [-u] [-n] [-c] FILE...')
+         b'hg rhannotate [-r REV] [-u] [-n] [-c] FILE...')
 def rhannotate(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
-    rev = urllib.unquote_plus(opts.pop('rev', None))
+    rev = unquoteplus(opts.pop('rev', b''))
     opts['rev'] = rev
-    return commands.annotate(ui, repo, *map(urllib.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)
+    return commands.annotate(ui, repo, *map(unquoteplus, pats), **opts)

-               [('r', 'rev', '', 'revision')],
-               'hg rhcat ([-r REV] ...) FILE...')
+               [(b'r', b'rev', b'', b'revision')],
+               b'hg rhcat ([-r REV] ...) FILE...')
 def rhcat(ui, repo, file1, *pats, **opts):
-    rev = urllib.unquote_plus(opts.pop('rev', None))
+    rev = unquoteplus(opts.pop('rev', b''))
     opts['rev'] = rev
-    return, repo, urllib.unquote_plus(file1), *map(urllib.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)
+    return, repo, unquoteplus(file1), *map(unquoteplus, pats), **opts)

-               [('r', 'rev', [], 'revision'),
-                ('c', 'change', '', 'change made by revision')],
-               'hg rhdiff ([-c REV] | [-r REV] ...) [FILE]...')
+               [(b'r', b'rev', [], b'revision'),
+                (b'c', b'change', b'', b'change made by revision')],
+               b'hg rhdiff ([-c REV] | [-r REV] ...) [FILE]...')
 def rhdiff(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     """diff repository (or selected files)""" 
     change = opts.pop('change', None)
     if change:  # add -c option for Mercurial<1.1
         base = _changectx(repo, change).parents()[0].rev()
-        opts['rev'] = [str(base), change]
+        opts['rev'] = [base, change]
     opts['nodates'] = True
-    return commands.diff(ui, repo, *map(urllib.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)
+    return commands.diff(ui, repo, *map(unquoteplus, pats), **opts)

-                    ('r', 'rev', [], 'show the specified revision'),
-                    ('b', 'branch', [],
-                       'show changesets within the given named branch'),
-                    ('l', 'limit', '',
-                         'limit number of changes displayed'),
-                    ('d', 'date', '',
-                         'show revisions matching date spec'),
-                    ('u', 'user', [],
-                      'revisions committed by user'),
-                    ('', 'from', '',
-                      ''),
-                    ('', 'to', '',
-                      ''),
-                    ('', 'rhbranch', '',
-                      ''),
-                    ('', 'template', '',
-                       'display with template')],
-                   'hg rhlog [OPTION]... [FILE]')
+                    (b'r', b'rev', [], b'show the specified revision'),
+                    (b'b', b'branch', [],
+                       b'show changesets within the given named branch'),
+                    (b'l', b'limit', b'',
+                         b'limit number of changes displayed'),
+                    (b'd', b'date', b'',
+                         b'show revisions matching date spec'),
+                    (b'u', b'user', [],
+                      b'revisions committed by user'),
+                    (b'', b'from', b'',
+                      b''),
+                    (b'', b'to', b'',
+                      b''),
+                    (b'', b'rhbranch', b'',
+                      b''),
+                    (b'', b'template', b'',
+                       b'display with template')],
+                   b'hg rhlog [OPTION]... [FILE]')
 def rhlog(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     rev      = opts.pop('rev')
     bra0     = opts.pop('branch')
-    from_rev = urllib.unquote_plus(opts.pop('from', None))
-    to_rev   = urllib.unquote_plus(opts.pop('to'  , None))
-    bra      = urllib.unquote_plus(opts.pop('rhbranch', None))
-    from_rev = from_rev.replace('"', '\\"')
-    to_rev   = to_rev.replace('"', '\\"')
-    if hg.util.version() >= '1.6':
-      opts['rev'] = ['"%s":"%s"' % (from_rev, to_rev)]
+    from_rev = unquoteplus(opts.pop('from', b''))
+    to_rev   = unquoteplus(opts.pop('to'  , b''))
+    bra      = unquoteplus(opts.pop('rhbranch', b''))
+    from_rev = from_rev.replace(b'"', b'\\"')
+    to_rev   = to_rev.replace(b'"', b'\\"')
+    if (from_rev != b'') or (to_rev != b''):
+        if from_rev != b'':
+            quotefrom = b'"%s"' % (from_rev)
+        else:
+            quotefrom = from_rev
+        if to_rev != b'':
+            quoteto = b'"%s"' % (to_rev)
+        else:
+            quoteto = to_rev
+        opts['rev'] = [b'%s:%s' % (quotefrom, quoteto)]
-      opts['rev'] = ['%s:%s' % (from_rev, to_rev)]
-    opts['branch'] = [bra]
-    return commands.log(ui, repo, *map(urllib.unquote_plus, pats), **opts)
+        opts['rev'] = rev
+    if (bra != b''):
+        opts['branch'] = [bra]
+    return commands.log(ui, repo, *map(unquoteplus, pats), **opts)

-                   [('r', 'rev', '', 'show the specified revision')],
-                   'hg rhmanifest [-r REV] [PATH]')
-def rhmanifest(ui, repo, path='', **opts):
+                   [(b'r', b'rev', b'', b'show the specified revision')],
+                   b'hg rhmanifest -r REV [PATH]')
+def rhmanifest(ui, repo, path=b'', **opts):
     """output the sub-manifest of the specified directory""" 
-    ui.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
-    ui.write('<rhmanifest>\n')
-    ui.write('<repository root="%s">\n' % _u(repo.root))
+    ui.write(b'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
+    ui.write(b'<rhmanifest>\n')
+    ui.write(b'<repository root="%s">\n' % _u(repo.root))
-        _manifest(ui, repo, urllib.unquote_plus(path), urllib.unquote_plus(opts.get('rev')))
+        _manifest(ui, repo, unquoteplus(path), unquoteplus(opts.get('rev')))
-        ui.write('</repository>\n')
-        ui.write('</rhmanifest>\n')
+        ui.write(b'</repository>\n')
+        ui.write(b'</rhmanifest>\n')

-@command('rhsummary',[], 'hg rhsummary')
+@command(b'rhsummary', [], b'hg rhsummary')
 def rhsummary(ui, repo, **opts):
     """output the summary of the repository""" 
-    ui.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
-    ui.write('<rhsummary>\n')
-    ui.write('<repository root="%s">\n' % _u(repo.root))
+    ui.write(b'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
+    ui.write(b'<rhsummary>\n')
+    ui.write(b'<repository root="%s">\n' % _u(repo.root))
         _tip(ui, repo)
         _tags(ui, repo)
@@ -234,6 +247,6 @@
         _branches(ui, repo)
         # TODO: bookmarks in core (Mercurial>=1.8)
-        ui.write('</repository>\n')
-        ui.write('</rhsummary>\n')
+        ui.write(b'</repository>\n')
+        ui.write(b'</rhsummary>\n')

Actions #2

Updated by S DW over 4 years ago

Mercurial integration with redmine on the NixOS linux distribution is broken, and I think it could be related to this issue?
The error we are getting is either:

Aug 08 18:07:33 nixos bundle[871]: *** failed to import extension redminehelper from /nix/store/c2za42x86iqk8wrxphl4pc2rkb5kbwxq-redmine-4.1.1/share/redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/ unicode 'rhannotate' found in cmdtable
Aug 08 18:07:33 nixos bundle[871]: *** (use b'' to make it byte string)
Aug 08 18:07:33 nixos bundle[871]: hg: unknown command 'rhsummary'
Aug 08 18:07:33 nixos bundle[871]: (did you mean summary?)

Or, depending on redmine/mercurial versions used:
Aug 08 18:30:38 nixos bundle[1133]: *** failed to import extension redminehelper from /nix/store/3sdqxliq5qd15wfzyiclqs5ax1b6ggnc-redmine-4.1.1/share/redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/ module 'cgi' has no attribute 'escape'
Aug 08 18:30:38 nixos bundle[1133]: hg: unknown command 'rhsummary'
Aug 08 18:30:38 nixos bundle[1133]: (did you mean summary?)

Link to the NixOS issue:

Actions #3

Updated by François Cerbelle about 3 years ago

Mercurial switched to python 3, python 2.x is EOL/abandonned.
Debian switched to Rail 6.x in all versions. Thus, it is impossible to use Redmine later than 4.0.7.
It became a real challenge to keep a Redmine system uptodate with dependency versions and security.

Any chance to have this bug/script fixed in the 4.0.x branch ? at least included in a roadmaped version ?
The provided patch merged ? It is better to have something partially working than no mercurial at all.

Not complaining, just asking

Actions #4

Updated by Harald Klimach about 3 years ago

François Cerbelle wrote:

Any chance to have this bug/script fixed in the 4.0.x branch ? at least included in a roadmaped version ?
The provided patch merged ? It is better to have something partially working than no mercurial at all.

Can't say anything about roadmaps or integration into the project, but did you try to apply the patch above? Though I didn't test it, I think it should work for that branch aswell.

Actions #5

Updated by salman mp about 3 years ago


same problem

Actions #6

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 3 years ago

  • Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Actions #7

Updated by Scott Cunningham over 2 years ago

I manually added the patch above (thank you Harald Klimach) with Redmine 5.0.2 and Mercurial 6.2.1. I installed the patch and it seems to be working (can view history, files, diffs, branches) based on some quick testing.

My understanding is that Mercurial 6.2.1 not only dropped Python 2 but also support up to Python 3.5 - it is Python 3.6+ now (

  • Windows server 2019
  • Bitnami Redmine app for windows:
      Redmine version                5.0.2.stable
      Ruby version                   2.6.10-p210 (2022-04-12) [x64-mingw32]
      Rails version                  6.1.6
      Environment                    production
      Database adapter               Mysql2
      Mailer queue                   ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
      Mailer delivery                smtp
      Mercurial                      6.2.1
Actions #8

Updated by Michael Ssssssno over 2 years ago


I have the same problem, but unfortunately applying the patch does not work for me.

As described here I go into the redmine directory and execute the patch with "patch -p0 < PATCH.diff or "sudo patch -p0 < PATCH.diff".

Unfortunately, I get the following error messages
patching file lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/
Hunk #1 FAILED at 45.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 84.
Hunk #4 FAILED at 104.
3 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/

On my system (ubuntu 22.04 server) I installed redmine 5.0.2 with mercurial 6.1.1.
Redmine according to this manual (but with "sudo svn co redmine-5.0") and mercurial with " sudo apt install mercurial".

The system runs so far, only the mercurial connection does not work.

What am I doing wrong?

Actions #9

Updated by François Cerbelle over 2 years ago

Harald Klimach wrote:

François Cerbelle wrote:

Any chance to have this bug/script fixed in the 4.0.x branch ? at least included in a roadmaped version ?
The provided patch merged ? It is better to have something partially working than no mercurial at all.

Can't say anything about roadmaps or integration into the project, but did you try to apply the patch above? Though I didn't test it, I think it should work for that branch aswell.

I did, but it does not apply :

/usr/share/redmine # patch --verbose -F3 -p0 --dry-run <hgpatch.patch 
Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...
The text leading up to this was:
|Index: lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/
|--- lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/    (revision 19937)
|+++ lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/    (working copy)
checking file lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/
Using Plan A...
Hunk #1 succeeded at 45 with fuzz 3.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 73.
Hunk #3 succeeded at 87.
Hunk #4 FAILED at 107.
Hunk #5 succeeded at 237.
1 out of 5 hunks FAILED

Actions #10

Updated by Olivier Houdas about 2 years ago

Here are my 2 cents to this issue:
I have attached a patch for Redmine 5.0.3 for those interested.

HOWEVER, in this patch, I have modified line 129 from

fstr = f.decode('utf-8')


fstr = f.decode('cp1252')

as we had got an error
redmine_1 | File "/usr/src/redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/", line 129, in _manifest
redmine_1 | fstr = f.decode('utf-8')
redmine_1 | UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 37: invalid continuation byte

So it seems that we need to use Mercurial's codepage for this line. Unfortunately, I don't see how to make this transparent for the user, it would depend on Mercurial's installation.

Actions #11

Updated by Jakob Haufe about 2 years ago

redmine_1 | File "/usr/src/redmine/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial/", line 129, in _manifest
redmine_1 | fstr = f.decode('utf-8')
redmine_1 | UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 37: invalid continuation byte

So it seems that we need to use Mercurial's codepage for this line. Unfortunately, I don't see how to make this transparent for the user, it would depend on Mercurial's installation.

While trying to reproduce this problem I found out that this is not "Mercurials codepage". It's the encoding of filenames stored in the repository in question. Redmine already has a per-repo setting for this, it needs to be passed to the helper.

Actions #12

Updated by Jakob Haufe about 2 years ago

I've enhanced the patch to pass the configured file name encoding to the helper.

Olivier: Could you please test whether this works correctly in your installation?

Actions #13

Updated by salman mp over 1 year ago

Jakob Haufe wrote in #note-12:

I've enhanced the patch to pass the configured file name encoding to the helper.

Olivier: Could you please test whether this works correctly in your installation?

I tested your patch and works smoothly. Thank you so much. But this below change must be applied to controller patch.

< +          full_args << '--config' << "redminehelper.fileencoding=" << @path_encoding
> +          full_args << '--config' << "redminehelper.fileencoding=#{@path_encoding}" 
OS: Debian 11
Redmine: 4.2.10
Mercurial: 5.6.1
Python: 3.9
Actions #14

Updated by Jakob Haufe over 1 year ago

Thanks salman mp, you are completely right. Odd that this didn't break in my tests. Will update the patch accordingly. I originally planned to have this included in the redmine package in Debian bookworm as well but forgot to take care of it in time.

Actions #15

Updated by Jakob Haufe over 1 year ago

This is the patch as it's currently in Debian unstable.


Actions #16

Updated by Go MAEDA about 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 6.0.0

Setting the target version to 6.0.0.

Actions #17

Updated by Go MAEDA about 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from 6.0.0 to Candidate for next major release

Thank you for posting the patch. There are still some test failures need to be fixed.

RepositoriesMercurialControllerTest#test_show_tag [test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:278]:
Expected response to be a <2XX: success>, but was a <404: Not Found>

bin/rails test test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:260
RepositoriesMercurialControllerTest#test_annotate_latin_1_path [test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:550]:
Expected response to be a <2XX: success>, but was a <404: Not Found>

bin/rails test test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:539
RepositoriesMercurialControllerTest#test_entry_show_latin_1_path [test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:323]:
Expected response to be a <2XX: success>, but was a <404: Not Found>

bin/rails test test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:312
RepositoriesMercurialControllerTest#test_annotate_latin_1_contents [test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:576]:
Expected at least 1 element matching "tr#L1 td.line-code", found 0.
Expected 0 to be >= 1.

bin/rails test test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:564
RepositoriesMercurialControllerTest#test_show_directory_latin_1_path [test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:196]:
Expected response to be a <2XX: success>, but was a <404: Not Found>

bin/rails test test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:181
RepositoriesMercurialControllerTest#test_entry_show_latin_1_contents [test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:340]:
Expected response to be a <2XX: success>, but was a <404: Not Found>

bin/rails test test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:328
RepositoriesMercurialControllerTest#test_show_branch [test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:253]:
Expected response to be a <2XX: success>, but was a <404: Not Found>

bin/rails test test/functional/repositories_mercurial_controller_test.rb:232
RepositoryMercurialTest#test_fetch_changesets_from_scratch [test/unit/repository_mercurial_test.rb:173]:
Expected: 53
  Actual: 47

bin/rails test test/unit/repository_mercurial_test.rb:168
RepositoryMercurialTest#test_latest_changesets [test/unit/repository_mercurial_test.rb:266]:
Expected: ["30", "11", "10", "9"]
  Actual: ["11", "10", "9"]

bin/rails test test/unit/repository_mercurial_test.rb:251
Actions #18

Updated by Sean Baggaley 27 days ago

I had a go at tackling this myself. I attached an updated version of the patch (mercurial-py3.patch) that fixes the charset conversation issues and therefore the related tests. Since some of the output from Mercurial is in UTF-8 now, some of the conversions from the path encoding were unnecessary. Additionally, in the previous patches the config parameter that Redmine passed and the helper read differed.

This does not fix the test_fetch_changesets_from_scratch or test_latest_changesets test failures, but those are a separate issue, unrelated to the Python 3 conversion or charset shenanigans. This is an intentional behaviour change in Mercurial; I bisected it to - starting with that commit, Mercurial now also considers the second parent of a merge commit when listing added files. Revision 30 in the hg test repository is a merge commit, and its second parent adds files, this means Mercurial versions starting with 5.1 will fail these tests, as the added files are no longer listed. I am not sure how to fix those tests while remaining compatible with older Mercurial versions if desired (I am very much a novice at this), but I hope this investigation helps to solve this.

Actions #19

Updated by Go MAEDA 18 days ago

Sean Baggaley wrote in #note-18:

I am not sure how to fix those tests while remaining compatible with older Mercurial versions if desired (I am very much a novice at this), but I hope this investigation helps to solve this.

I think we can drop support for Mercurial before to 5.1. Mercurial 5.1 was released in 2019, almost 6 years ago.

diff --git a/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial_adapter.rb b/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial_adapter.rb
index 921c9fcc3..28a1922ca 100644
--- a/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial_adapter.rb
+++ b/lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial_adapter.rb
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module Redmine

           def client_available
-            client_version_above?([1, 2])
+            client_version_above?([5, 1])

           def hgversion
Actions #20

Updated by Sean Baggaley 18 days ago

That makes it easy then - attached another patch, with your suggestion, and fixing the remaining tests.

Actions #21

Updated by Go MAEDA 17 days ago

  • Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 6.1.0

Sean Baggaley wrote in #note-20:

That makes it easy then - attached another patch, with your suggestion, and fixing the remaining tests.

Thank you for updating the patch.
I believe the patch is now ready to be committed. I am setting the target version to 6.1.0.

Actions #22

Updated by Go MAEDA 15 days ago

  • Subject changed from Updating Mercurial helper to work with Python3 to Update Mercurial repository support to be compatible with Python 3 and remove support for Mercurial < 5.1
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Go MAEDA
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Committed the patch in r23513. Thank you for your contribution.


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