Feature #33894
openAutomatically set done ratio to 100% when closing a issue
If the done ratio is not linked to the issue status, the done ratio must be manually updated when the issue is closed.
This plugin supports my opinion.
Related issues
Updated by vzvu 3k6k over 4 years ago
- File 33894.patch 33894.patch added
Here is a patch, written by Mizuki ISHIKAWA, juno-nishizaki and me.
Updated by vzvu 3k6k over 4 years ago
Sorry, I've found some tests fail on this patch. We'll fix this later.
Updated by vzvu 3k6k over 4 years ago
- File 33894-v2.patch 33894-v2.patch added
It turned out that a condition in `done_ratio_editable?` was wrong.
I have attached a fixed patch.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago
Thank you for posting the patch but I think the behavior that status is set to 100% on the edit page is sometimes problematic.
Suppose the following senario.
1. A user mistakenly select "Closed" status. The done ratio is immediately changed to 100%
2. Actually, the user wants to set the status to "In progress". So, the user re-select the status
3. Altough the issue is not going to be closed, done ratio remains at 100%
Probably The user does not want the done ratio to be updated to 100%.
Updated by Julia Kulpina over 3 years ago
- Copied to Defect #36291: Issue done ratio is not updated after closing duplicate issue added