Defect #36392
closedCustom field properties "visible" and "editable" do not work for user
Hi, thank you for developing Redmine, it's a tool that I use daily.
I want to let you know that yesterday I noticed a defect when playing around with custom fields in the context of the `user` entity.
The properties `visible` and `editable` can be deactivated for a custom field, but an existing user is opened the custom field:
- is visible when it should not
- is editable when it should not
Reproduction path:
1. Open Redmine as administrator
2. Change to view "Administration / Custom fields"
3. Create boolean custom field
- name: isActive
- description: whatever
- default value: no
- URL value: leave empty
- display: Checkbox
4. Unset custom field properties in the same view
- visible: [_] (off)
- editable: [_] (off)
5. Save new custom field
6. Change to view "Administration / Users" and select any user
7. The selected user view contains the created custom field "isActive" which is both visible and editable.
Expectation: The selected user view hides the custom field
The affected version is v4.2.3.
Thank you for your attention and your work!