Defect #37104
openconvert emails into tickets with different projects
Hi all, I have configured my redmine 5.0.0 so that every email it receives on an imap box, creates a ticket...
I would like that depending on the user/email creates the ticket in a different project without the user doing anything, just recognizing the email, is it possible?
I've a script with a cron:
#!/bin/bash cd /usr/src/redmine/ rake redmine:email:receive_imap \ RAILS_ENV=production \ port=993 ssl=true \ password="blabla" \ move_on_success=INBOX.redmineseen move_on_failure=INBOX.redminefailed \ project=assistenza tracker=support \ unknown_user=accept no_permission_check=1
Updated by Bernhard Rohloff almost 3 years ago
There's no filter to separate emails based on the user or the senders email address. What you could do, is to give your users a so called "tagged" email address which is unique for every project. In this case Redmine is capable of creating the issue in the right project. The configuration and process is described in this wiki article: RedmineReceivingEmails.
Updated by gabriele be almost 3 years ago
Thank you for the answer, I'll try to read more about this part that I had missed, today if i can.