

gabriele be

  • Login: othin
  • Registered on: 2022-02-22
  • Last connection: 2024-12-17


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10:57 Redmine Help: RE: configure input mail with office 365 for generate ticket
Solved in this way:
gabriele be


15:42 Redmine Help: RE: configure input mail with office 365 for generate ticket
in the meantime I did a bad thing, I created a forwarding for all the emails that come to assist@ and directed them t... gabriele be


11:51 Redmine Help: RE: Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled
Did anyone then solve it? gabriele be


12:46 Redmine Help: RE: configure input mail with office 365 for generate ticket
my error is:... gabriele be
12:44 Redmine Help: configure input mail with office 365 for generate ticket
Good morning everyone, I would need some urgent help unfortunately.
We recently switched to office 365 suite with ...
gabriele be


14:05 Redmine Defect #37104: convert emails into tickets with different projects
Thank you for the answer, I'll try to read more about this part that I had missed, today if i can.
gabriele be


16:08 Redmine Defect #37104 (New): convert emails into tickets with different projects
Hi all, I have configured my redmine 5.0.0 so that every email it receives on an imap box, creates a ticket...
I w...
gabriele be


09:58 Redmine Help: email notify when a ticket is created
HI all, i'm using redmine version 4.2.3 with this cron for create ticket when i receive an email:... gabriele be

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