Defect #37224
openAdd watchers to issue
I've upgraded my Redmine 3.4.2 to 5.0 and after upgrade I think i get wrong behaviour about adding watchers to existing issues (different from 3.4.2). I've tested it on clean bitnami Redmine 5.0 too.
I tested the next scenario:
I have 3 users and a group.
- User 1 has default Manager role. Manager role can see all issues except private issue (Issues visibility: All non private issues)
- User 2 is member of Group1 and has CreatedOrAssigned role. This role's Issues visibilitiy is set to Issues created by or assigned to the user.
- Only SpentTime has OmlySpentTime role. This role can't do anything with issues.
When i create a new issue in my test project, I can set all of them as whatchers.
But, when I want to add watcher to existing issue (no attached watchers on it), I can only set User 1 and Group1 (without User 2).
On Redmine 3.4.2 this wasn't problem.
I could add all users to existing issues as watchers.
I think this is the right behaviour with this sussgestion:
Don't show a user or a group on wathchers list (new or existing issue), which has only role(s) without issue visibility settings (like Only SpentTime user in my test).
Related issues
Updated by Holger Just almost 3 years ago
- Related to Patch #33329: Improve watchers functionality to mark the users that are watching a non visible object and to not return watchers that cannot see the object added