Patch #3754
openadd some additional URL paths to robots.txt
My apache logs show that some redmine URLs are being heavily indexed by robots, and it seems like it would be best to have them blocked by robots.txt:
/projects/N/wiki/* (where N is the numeric project id)
Related issues
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago
See the Bots Filter plugin which has some overlap (e.g. the repositories). Maybe you can modify it to adapt it to your precise requirements?
Updated by mark burdett over 15 years ago
Or I can easily block these via my apache config. But I do think they should be added to robots.txt by default. I also wonder, how are Googlebot and others even finding some of these non-canonical paths? It could point to a bug elsewhere which is generating links to these paths?
Updated by mark burdett over 15 years ago
- File robots.txt.patch robots.txt.patch added
Here's a patch adding the additional problematic paths to the default robots.txt
Updated by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
I like having the robots crawl some of these pages, they even turn up when I'm searching for a bug that I've already fixed.
- wiki pages
- global issues list
- repositories
Updated by mark burdett over 15 years ago
- File robots.txt.patch robots.txt.patch added
The wiki pages that this patch blocks are not the canonical path, they use the numeric project id rather than project name.
I now realize that the initial version of this patch blocked the individual issue pages; I intended to only block /issues? -- i.e. the global issue search page.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago
- Tracker changed from Defect to Patch
Updated by Brad Schick over 14 years ago
My site is also getting hammer on /repositories and /issues. Seems somewhat pointless to disallow access to these resources through /projects/... but not other urls.
Updated by Antoine Beaupré about 12 years ago
This patch has been ready for more than 3 years, why hasn't this been committed yet?
Updated by Antoine Beaupré about 12 years ago
- File robots.txt-2.patch robots.txt-2.patch added
Here's an updated patch for 1.4.
Updated by Antoine Beaupré about 10 years ago
Antoine Beaupré wrote:
Here's an updated patch for 1.4.
and that was now two years ago, with the patch sitting here for 5 years. can we at least get feedback on what's wrong with the patch, if anything?