Feature #3783
Change owner of issue in commit
Added by lucas stephanou over 15 years ago.
Updated almost 12 years ago.
Today we can close and refs a issue via commit message em SCM.
Would be nice to assign issue to another user.
This is very useful to me, as when a developer fix a issue he must assign it to his analyst
If I may interject here, how would this work? Would you specify (fixes #23, reassign to John Doe)? What if the name was misspelt?
I don't think the SCM support should be bloated with making it essentially a remote control for the bug tracker...
Stavros Korokithakis wrote:
If I may interject here, how would this work? Would you specify (fixes #23, reassign to John Doe)? What if the name was misspelt?
I don't think the SCM support should be bloated with making it essentially a remote control for the bug tracker...
Is something like this Stavros, but I don't think this way.
After close/resolve a bug/feature, change a issue status and owner is a common action in many environments
Yes, we need this feature for helpdesk by phone.
Just see that this feature got two requests: #11565 and #3783 (this)
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
I close this issue as duplicate of #11565, because #11565 has examples and more discussions.
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