Defect #38342
openURLs in outgoing emails get mutilated
Redmine version 5.0.2.stable
Ruby version 3.0.2-p107 (2021-07-07) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Rails version 6.1.6
Redmine Silencer 2 version 0.4.3
Hello everyone.
When sending Mails, Redmine seems to alter and mutilate URLs in the text body of the mail.
Some URLs are getting part of their starting characters removed in our footer which is static and comes from the Redmine Mail-Template for the header and footer.
If it starts with https:// it becomes ttps://, or if it's a mailto: it becomes ailto:mailto:... .
Same for using the tags for preformatted text <\pre><\/pre> and for code <\pre><\code class="html"><\/code><\/pre>, where then partially things between these tags get simply omitted in the send mail for the recipient, just like with the URLs above. These tags currently seem not to protect the contend inside them.
Sending the mail as plain text (textile) or HTML does not change this behaviour.
We currently can't communicate important code issues or URLs with customers via the issues, but instead have to resort to write an extra mail so everything that needs to be communicated actually does reach the recipient.
What could be something i might look into with Redmine, that might be causing this?
Thank you.