



Defect #40413


The issue list fiter "Watched by" only dereferences "watched by group" for "me" value

Added by Felix Schäfer 12 months ago. Updated 11 months ago.

Needs feedback
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When using the << me >> value for the "Watched by" filter on the issue list, group memberships will be dereferenced and issues the user watches via groups will be show in the results (if the user has view_issue_watchers permission, see #40412).

Group memberships however will not be considered for this filter when using named users for the value of the filter. Groups memberships should also be applied for named users.

Note: This also means that using this filter with << me >> will produce different results for a user than when the user selects herself In the list.

Actions #1

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU 11 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs feedback

Felix Schäfer wrote:

When using the << me >> value for the "Watched by" filter on the issue list, group memberships will be dereferenced and issues the user watches via groups will be show in the results (if the user has view_issue_watchers permission, see #40412).

I've confirmed the issue from #40412 and I've also proposed a fix there. << me >> filter for watchers should also include issues watched by current user groups regardless the permission.

Group memberships however will not be considered for this filter when using named users for the value of the filter. Groups memberships should also be applied for named users.

I think we should keep the existing behaviour from other filters that are using << me >>. Lets take Assignee filter as example with jsmith user and a group A team where jsmith is member:
  • Assignee is << me >>: returns all issues assigned to user jsmith or user groups (A team).
  • Assignee is jsmith: returns only issues assigned to jsmith
  • Assignee is A Team: returns only issues assigned to A team

Note: This also means that using this filter with << me >> will produce different results for a user than when the user selects herself In the list.

Yes, that is correct, << me >> will produce the results for user and user groups.


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