Defect #40643
closedMail med länk att byta lösenord innehåller fel länk
När en användare har glömt sitt lösenord klickar de på länken "Glömt lösenord" i inloggningsrutan och anger sin email i rutan som kommer upp.
I det email som skickas ut finns en länk som sägs gå till det formulär där man kan byta lösenord, men man kommer i stället tillbaka till det formulär där man anger sin mailadress.
Bugg eller inställningsfel?
Felet har uppstått på senare tid, det kan vara i samband med att vi uppgraderade till version 5.1.1, men det är inte helt tydligt att det är helt nytt.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU 10 months ago
- Status changed from New to Needs feedback
Please post in English.
Please see Submissions for some guidelines on what to provide. If you have usage questions, please use forums.
Updated by Katarina Eklund 10 months ago
When an user forgot the password he clicks on the link "forgot password" in in login view and writes the email in the upcoming field.
In the email sent out from Redmine there is a link said to lead to the form where you can change the password, but instead you come back to the form where to write the email address.
Is this a bug or a setting that is wrong?
The issue came recently and we think it might be at the same time as we upgraded to version 5.1.1.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU 10 months ago
Can you post details about your environment from Administration -> Information?
Updated by Katarina Eklund 10 months ago
Is this what you need?
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU 10 months ago
Yes, thank you!
Can you check without the redmine_editauthor
I've just tested on my local environment and the link for recover password opens the expected page:
Updated by Katarina Eklund 10 months ago
Yes, that might be it.
We will test without the plugin.
Thank you very much.
Updated by Katarina Eklund 9 months ago
We have analyzed this and came to the conclusion that the plug in cannot be the reason.
The plug in was installed after our first occurances with the wrong link.
Though what happened just two days before the first occurance we have is that we upgraded to Redmine 5.1.1 and changed server at the same time.
Updated by Katarina Eklund 5 months ago
You can close this case.
we got help through another case.