Defect #40856
openrandom failing integration test for plugin routes in 5.1.3
I think this is related to #38707 and #39864. I have a plugin that carries routes and when I run rails test
with that plugin installed, the tests randomly fail in 5.1-stable (and 5.1.3).
Here is a sort-of-minimal reproducer:
user@host % git clone -b 5.1-stable Cloning into 'redmine'... remote: Enumerating objects: 199100, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (4955/4955), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1562/1562), done. remote: Total 199100 (delta 3587), reused 4404 (delta 3328), pack-reused 194145 Receiving objects: 100% (199100/199100), 87.42 MiB | 28.39 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (157526/157526), done. user@host % cd redmine/plugins user@host % git clone -b redmine-5 Cloning into 'redmine_lightbox2'... remote: Enumerating objects: 850, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (36/36), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (19/19), done. remote: Total 850 (delta 11), reused 28 (delta 10), pack-reused 814 Receiving objects: 100% (850/850), 226.67 KiB | 3.15 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (369/369), done. user@host % cd .. user@host % printf 'test:\n adapter: sqlite3\n database: db/redmine.sqlite3' > config/database.yml user@host % bundle install user@host % SCMS=git DATABASE_ADAPTER=sqlite3 RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake ci:setup redmine:plugins:migrate user@host % SCMS=git DATABASE_ADAPTER=sqlite3 RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails test --seed 14026
The following failure is expected (the plugin changes the layout of attachments):
Failure: IssuesControllerTest#test_show_with_thumbnails_enabled_should_display_thumbnails [test/functional/issues_controller_test.rb:2781]: Expected at least 1 element matching "a[href=\"/attachments/16\"]", found 0. Expected 0 to be >= 1.
The following (and similar others from the same file) are not expected:
WikiControllerTest#test_show_page_without_edit_link: RuntimeError: Neutered Exception ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"download_inline", :controller=>"attachments", :filename=>"ecookbook-gantt.pdf", :id=>#<Attachment id: 23, container_id: 1, container_type: "WikiPage", filename: "ecookbook-gantt.pdf", disk_filename: "190511141819_ecookbook-gantt.pdf", filesize: 31620, content_type: "application/pdf", digest: "da9c52e79d9eee7d47b9ee5db477985c542ea683e9f23ed32d...", downloads: 0, author_id: 2, created_on: "2019-05-11 05:18:19.000000000 +0000", description: "Gantt chart as of May 11", disk_directory: "2019/05">, :project_id=>"1"} plugins/redmine_lightbox2/app/views/attachments/_links.html.erb:32 plugins/redmine_lightbox2/app/views/attachments/_links.html.erb:12 app/helpers/attachments_helper.rb:52:in `link_to_attachments' app/views/wiki/show.html.erb:68 lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode' test/functional/wiki_controller_test.rb:1158:in `test_show_page_without_edit_link'
Neither is this:
Failure: WikiIntegrationTest#test_updating_a_renamed_page [test/integration/wiki_test.rb:39]: Expected response to be a <2XX: success>, but was a <500: Internal Server Error>
The same tests do not fail on 5.0.6 and I could not see them fail on trunk (r22882) either.
The following patch makes the tests work reliably, but I think it's a crude hack:
commit 0d26803f78ff3e3ef87b7df34740090aa912c6d6 Author: Evgeni Golov <> Date: Tue Jun 18 12:54:53 2024 +0200 reset to Rails.root/plugins otherwise plugin routes are not properly loaded and tests fail diff --git a/test/integration/routing/plugins_test.rb b/test/integration/routing/plugins_test.rb index ddbf415a1..beb8597e7 100644 --- a/test/integration/routing/plugins_test.rb +++ b/test/integration/routing/plugins_test.rb @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ class RoutingPluginsTest < Redmine::RoutingTest Redmine::Plugin.clear = @original_plugin_dir + = Rails.root.join('plugins') Redmine::PluginLoader.load RedmineApp::Application.instance.routes_reloader.reload! end
to @original_plugin_dir
does not seem to fix it, which I find strange.
Updated by Evgeni Golov 9 months ago
Environment: Redmine version 5.1.3.stable Ruby version 3.0.4-p208 (2022-04-12) [x86_64-linux] Rails version Environment test Database adapter SQLite Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::InlineAdapter Mailer delivery test Redmine settings: Redmine theme Default SCM: Subversion 1.14.3 Mercurial 6.7.3 Git 2.45.2 Filesystem Redmine plugins: redmine_lightbox2 0.5.1
Updated by Vincent Robert 9 months ago
I have the same problem with my plugins. To fix CI tests with Redmine 5.1.3, I currently have to remove plugins_test.rb
from the core before running them.
rm test/integration/routing/plugins_test.rb
Updated by Ko Nagase 8 months ago
Vincent Robert wrote in #note-2:
I have the same problem with my plugins. To fix CI tests with Redmine 5.1.3, I currently have to remove
from the core before running them.
I encountered the same issue in our custom fields groups plugin, and removing plugins_test.rb
solved the routing errors.