Defect #41101
openText format custom field is displayed with the full-width layout in the Issue edit screen
A text format custom field with the full-width layout will be created using the following steps. In addition, after creation the full-width layout of the custom field can't be disabled.
- Create a long text format custom field with the full-width layout
- Copy the custom field created in step1 and change the format type to text format, then save it
The custom field created with the above steps is displayed as follows in the Issue edit screen:
The expected result should be as follows:
This issue seems to occur because the value of the format_store column of the original custom field is copied to the coping custom field as-is.
def copy_from(arg, options={})
return if arg.blank?
custom_field = arg.is_a?(CustomField) ? arg : CustomField.find_by(id: arg.to_s)
self.attributes = custom_field.attributes.dup.except('id', 'name', 'position')
I confirmed this problem occurs in Redmine v5.1 and trunk.
Updated by Mischa The Evil 3 months ago
Go MAEDA wrote in #note-1:
A simple and user-friendly solution might be to add the full-width option to custom fields with Text format.
That might be true, but it wouldn't actually fix the underlying defect that is also mentioned by Katsuya HIDAKA:
This issue seems to occur because the value of the format_store column of the original custom field is copied to the coping custom field as-is.