



Feature #4567


Show repository path

Added by Bruno Prado about 15 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

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This diff modifies the repository page to show the complete path to the repository.
"http://larsvn/" is the local DNS name for our repository root. Replace it by whatever be the repos root.


show_repository.diff (491 Bytes) show_repository.diff Bruno Prado, 2010-01-13 14:14
repository.diff (488 Bytes) repository.diff Joachim Fritschi, 2010-01-18 08:57

Related issues

Is duplicate of Redmine - Patch #232: SCM URL/ROOT Information on Repository PageNew

Actions #1

Updated by Felix Schäfer about 15 years ago

#3808 is somewhat similar to the intent this patch has, and I seem to remember another patch not too long ago that tried to do the same thing, although I can't find it.

Bruno Fonzi: the problem with that is that it hardcodes the path in the view, which isn't best practice, and it makes one path mandatory for all repositories in the redmine. This might be fine for installations where the only repos allowed are the svn repos provided by the same people as the redmine server, but this won't work as soon as you have different SCM types and/or any repository, not only the ones on larsvn.

Actions #2

Updated by Bruno Prado about 15 years ago

You're totally right, Felix.
It works well for me 'cause we only have one SCM type, and its repositories are always in the same place.
Question: how could I change the hardcoded path to receive a variable value?
If it's worthless, you can delete this issue.

Actions #3

Updated by Holger Just about 15 years ago

Maybe you want to have a look at #232 or my Checkout Plugin which adds a configurable link to the actual selected repository object.

Actions #4

Updated by Joachim Fritschi about 15 years ago

I wanted the same feature without the hassle to configure the urls for all the projects.
The Checkout Plugin is nice but the link is a bit small and has to be configured for every repository which is not an option for me since we have tons of projects. The "root" link in the repository view is really ugly to begin with so i wrote a patch that replaces the root with the configured repository path.

Actions #5

Updated by Holger Just about 15 years ago

Joachim Fritschi wrote:

I wanted the same feature without the hassle to configure the urls for all the projects.
The Checkout Plugin is nice but the link is a bit small and has to be configured for every repository which is not an option for me since we have tons of projects.

I just uploaded version 0.2 of the plugin mentioned above, which mainly addresses this issue. You can now set default options and define a custom URL using a regular expression. This should remove the need to edit any repository settings for most installations.

Additionally, the link can now be generated using the repository URL as the link text. Most of the time it is now better identifiable.

Actions #6

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 14 years ago

  • Category set to SCM
Actions #7

Updated by Bruno Medeiros almost 12 years ago

Any news on this? The plug-in is discontinued...

Actions #8

Updated by Lluís Vilanova about 9 years ago

Is there an alternative with redmine 3.0?


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