Feature #4673
closedUpdating completion percentage on my assigend taks on my page
I want my team members to update the completion percentage of all their active tickets every evening.
Therfore it would be very helpful if they were able to change the percentage in the list of assigned tasks on "my page" without having to click every ticket open first.
Would save lots of clicks/time and would increase the convenience/compliance massively imo.
Thanks in advance
Updated by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
- Category set to Issues
You might be interested in a feature introduced in the 0.9 branch which basically allows you to tie the "percent done" field to the "status" field. Be aware though that this is an instance-wide either/or option (you can either tie "percent done" to "status" and won't be able to edit "percent done" for an individual issue manually, or let them be distinct).
Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago
- File context-menu-update-done-ratio@2x.png context-menu-update-done-ratio@2x.png added
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Invalid
You can update done ratio from context menu. Please right click an issue on My page.