Feature #4895
openGnuPG support
Email receiving
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As Redmine supports sending and receiving of emails it would be nice to have GnuPG support at hand.
I imagine the following basic features:
- it should be possible to add a global keypair (public and private key and passphrase) for the systemaddress(es), given these options are set
- redmine should be able to receive encrypted emails, decrypt them and process them further as a plaintext email
- redmine should be able to send out signed emails
- it should be possible for users to add a public key to their account. Given one is uploaded
- redmine should be able to send out encrypted emails to this user (this would require to split the email sending on a per user basis. At least for the ones that requires to receive encrypted emailsr. Splitting the encrypted and plaintext users in 2 receiving groups might also be possible, however the per user is preferred)
Given the implementation of the basic features, further features could be implemented, such as:
- it is only possible to change states of a ticket, by sending a signed email, which signature can be verified by redmine
- it is possible to require a public key if you'd like to receive emails for a project
- it is possible to require that only encrypted outgoing emails are allowed for a certain or any project.
- etc.