Feature #5112
openTexting formatting setting is global (Allow override in module level)
Text formatting
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The current text formatting setting is global - ie. if the wiki is markdown then so are all the description pages and the inline ticket formatting. It'd like to make this more granular so you can have, for example, textile mark-=up for the issues but markdown in the wiki.
Related issues
Updated by Go MAEDA over 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #8095: Allow overriding the default text formatting in each project added
Updated by Go MAEDA over 9 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #15225: Need to be able to have separate markup formats for bugs and wiki pages added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 9 years ago
- Related to deleted (Feature #8095: Allow overriding the default text formatting in each project)
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #8095: Allow overriding the default text formatting in each project added
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 9 years ago
- Subject changed from Texting formatting setting is global to Texting formatting setting is global (Allow override in module level)
Updated by Stefaan Ellebaut almost 2 years ago
+1 on this.
We have a redmine instance containing projects of over a decade. We would like to switch to CKeditor but up till now all is done in textile formatting. Changing the global setting to the new editor would break all existing wiki pages and issue descriptions and notes, which makes a switch impossible now.