Feature #5130
openConfigurable columns in related tasks section
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Related tasks section in an issue view has predefined columns now.
There must be a way to configure which columns to display for different users.
For example, if i want to see "assigned_to" and "category" fields of related issues,
i must use a workaround like editing "app\views\issues\_relations.rhtml
<td><%= relation.other_issue(@issue).category %></td> <td><%=h relation.other_issue(@issue).subject %></td> <td><%= relation.other_issue(@issue).assigned_to %></td> <td><%= relation.other_issue(@issue) %></td>Implementation
- It would be nice to have an "options" in the related issues section of an issue,
which should be similar to "Options" in "Issues" tab view.
With that you can configure which columns to display(including custom fields) and the order of the columns. - Also there must be a way to configure the defaults for this view somewhere in "Administration".
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