Feature #5140
openemail notification when related blocking issues get closed
First of all I would like to thank you very much for creating and maintaining such a wonderful software.
Will it be possible to get email notification when related blocking issues change status to closed?
Related issues
Updated by Shilkumar Nag almost 15 years ago
Sorry its reopended as per the request
Updated by Fernando Hartmann over 14 years ago
To my needs all the related issues, not only for the blockers, need to be notified.
I my opinion, if a "related issue" is closed all the watcher need to now.
Updated by Robert Hailey over 13 years ago
Bugzilla (the last tracker system I used) did this, it helps to keep the initiative going, but might be replaceable by whine-emails with blocked items filtered-out.
Updated by Robert Hailey over 13 years ago
I thought of a painless way to implement this, rather than bothering with a new class of email notification (or the like) simply...
- Add a new config option:
- "Related Status Notification"
- None
- Blocked Issues (Default)
- All Relationships
- "Related Status Notification"
- On updating the status of a ticket:
- Trigger an 'update' to it's related issues, to add the following quasi-formated string to the related tickets: "#relationship #ticket-link-number-summary is now #new-status"
There is already a framework in place to send notification messages, and as a bonus reading the related tickets will have an easily perceived timeline effect (opened on this date, comment, unblocked, solved).
Updated by budo kaiman over 9 years ago
+1 to Robert's idea of implementation. Even if this were implemented as a plugin, this functionality is quite important for productivity.
Updated by Fridolin Tam over 8 years ago
Still no way to get a notification when a related ticket got closed? That was super nice..
Updated by Bartłomiej Perz almost 7 years ago
Do we have any option for triggers? I need RM to act like shown below sample and I trying to find solution for that. Anyone has a solution how to activate triggers for that?
1. Issue No. 1 blocks Issue No. 2
2. When Issue No. 1 is 100% done, or ststus changed for Finish (all types) then:
a) Issue No. 2 changes its status for example from suspended to new - (automatic E-mail nottification to users)
b) or Redmine sends E-mail nottificaton that blocking Issue No. 1 is finiched or has 100%
c) or Issue No. 2 gives E-mail nottification to users as it is doing when issue is created.
Best Regards
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 7 years ago
Bartłomiej Perz wrote:
Someone, something?
Maybe no one is currently working on this issue. If someone writes a patch to implement this feature, there will be a possibility of being merged into Redmine core.