Feature #5224
closedAdd custom field type that allows multiple values
It would be very handy to have some kind of multi-value custom field control, such as a checked list.
The specific application I have in my mind, which will help me illustrate this, is to record what technologies pertain to a particular issue.
I might have the possible values enumerated as "MS SQL", "MySql", "C#", and "Ruby". Then if I have an issue that requires some work done with MS SQL, my DBA (who currently lacks the tools and/or training to work in C# or Ruby) could quickly filter the open issues and see what she could contribute.
As it stands now I'd have to either define a text box and rely on nobody typing "MSSQL" instead of "MS SQL" when searching, or I'd have to create a custom field for each possible technology (the actual list could be way longer than 4 items).
The ideal interface would look like the section for adding Watchers (which is awesome by the way).
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